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Email Marketing Client Questionnaire


Client Information:

Client Name

Client Email Address

Client Company Name

Client Phone Number

Project Information:

Project Name

Project Start Date

Project End Date

Objective and Expectations:

1. What are your primary goals and objectives for this email marketing project?

[Write your response here]

2. What are your expectations regarding the outcomes of this project?

[Write your response here]

Target Audience:

3. Describe your target audience for this email marketing campaign. Include demographics, interests, and any other relevant information.

[Write your response here]

4. Do you have an existing email list, or will we need to build one for this campaign? If yes, please provide details.

[Write your response here]

Content and Design:

5. Do you have existing content that you would like to incorporate into the emails, or would you like us to create content for this campaign?

[Write your response here]

6. Are there any specific design preferences or branding guidelines that we should follow for the email templates? Please provide brand assets if available.

[Write your response here]

Frequency and Timing:

7. How often would you like to send emails for this campaign (e.g., weekly, monthly, one-time blast)?

[Write your response here]

8. Are there specific dates or time frames when you prefer the emails to be sent (e.g., holidays, product launches, special events)?

[Write your response here]

Measurement and Success Metrics:

9. What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you use to measure the success of this email marketing campaign (e.g., open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, revenue generated)?

[Write your response here]

10. How frequently would you like to receive performance reports and updates on the campaign's progress?

[Write your response here]

Additional Comments and Requests:

11. Do you have any other specific requests, comments, or details you would like to share with us regarding this email marketing project?

[Write your response here]

Client Acknowledgment:

I, the undersigned, acknowledge that the information provided in this Email Marketing Client Questionnaire is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the success of this project is dependent on the accuracy of the information provided.

Client Name (Print): ________________________________

Client Signature: ________________________________

Date: ________________________________

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