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Email Marketing Subscriber Management Policy

Email Marketing Subscriber Management Policy

Effective Date: [Insert Date]

Last Updated: [Insert Date]

1. Purpose

This Email Marketing Subscriber Management Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for managing email subscribers for [Your Company Name], a marketing company operating within the United States. It is essential to ensure that our email marketing practices are compliant with U.S. marketing legal and standard guidelines while providing our subscribers with transparency, control, and a positive user experience.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all [Your Company Name] marketing professionals and personnel involved in email marketing campaigns.

3. Definitions

  • Email Subscriber - An individual who has provided their explicit consent to receive marketing communications from [Your Company Name] via email.

  • Consent - A clear and unambiguous agreement from an individual to receive email marketing communications. Consent may be obtained through opt-in forms, website sign-up, or other means where the subscriber willingly provides their email address.

  • Unsubscribe - The action taken by an email subscriber to request removal from [Your Company Name] email marketing lists.

4. Subscriber Consent

a. Obtaining Consent

  • [Your Company Name] will only send marketing emails to individuals who have provided explicit consent to receive such emails.

  • Consent must be obtained through clear and affirmative actions such as filling out an opt-in form, checking a subscription box, or confirming via a double opt-in process.

b. Consent Records

  • [Your Company Name] will maintain records of subscriber consent, including the method and date of consent.

c. Consent Withdrawal

  • Subscribers must have an easy and readily accessible option to withdraw their consent (unsubscribe) from [Your Company Name] emails at any time.

  • The unsubscribe link must be prominently displayed in every marketing email.

  • [Your Company Name] will promptly honor all unsubscribe requests and remove subscribers from marketing lists within 10 business days.

5. Data Privacy and Security

a. Subscriber Data Protection

  • [Your Company Name] will protect subscriber data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), where applicable.

b. Data Usage Transparency

  •  [Your Company Name] will provide clear information to subscribers about how their data will be used in marketing communications.

6. Email Content and Compliance

a. Compliance with CAN-SPAM Act

  • [Your Company Name] will comply with the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act by including accurate sender information, providing opt-out mechanisms, and avoiding deceptive subject lines and content.

7. Complaint Handling

a. [Your Company Name] will have a process in place for handling subscriber complaints related to email marketing. Complaints will be addressed promptly and professionally.

8. Training and Education

a. All marketing professionals and personnel involved in email marketing will be educated and trained on this policy and relevant legal requirements.

9. Policy Review and Updates

a. This policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure compliance with evolving legal requirements and industry best practices.

10. Contact Information

a. For any questions or concerns regarding this Email Marketing Subscriber Management Policy, please contact:

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Number]

[Your Company Website]

By adhering to this policy, [Your Company Name] aims to maintain a high standard of ethical and legal conduct in email marketing while providing subscribers with a positive experience.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Number]

[Your Company Website]

[Your Company Social Media]

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