Marketing Promotional Offers Budget

Marketing Promotional Offers Budget

Prepared by: [Your Name]


The objective of this Marketing Promotional Offers Budget is to outline the allocation of the $756,000 budget for [Your Company Name], a premier bowling alley, to execute effective promotional campaigns aimed at attracting and retaining customers.

I. Digital Marketing Campaigns - $200,000

A. Social Media Advertising - $100,000

1. Facebook Ads - $40,000

2. Instagram Ads - $30,000

3. Twitter Ads - $20,000

4. LinkedIn Ads - $10,000

B. Email Marketing - $50,000

1. Newsletter Campaigns - $30,000

2. Targeted Promotional Emails - $20,000

C. Influencer Collaborations - $50,000

1. Identify and collaborate with local influencers - $30,000

2. Sponsored content creation - $20,000

II. In-Person Promotions - $300,000

A. Special Events - $120,000

1. Host themed bowling nights - $40,000

2. Organize tournaments and competitions - $50,000

3. Offer discounts for group bookings - $30,000

B. Loyalty Programs - $80,000

1. Implement a point-based loyalty system - $40,000

2. Provide exclusive discounts for repeat customers - $40,000

C. On-Site Advertisements - $100,000

1. Billboards and signage in and around the bowling alley - $60,000

2. Printed promotional materials (brochures, flyers) - $40,000

III. Collaborations and Partnerships - $100,000

A. Local Business Collaborations - $50,000

1. Partner with nearby restaurants for cross-promotions - $30,000

2. Collaborate with local schools for student discounts - $20,000

B. Sponsorship of Community Events - $50,000

1. Sponsor local sports events - $30,000

2. Support charity events - $20,000

IV. Data Analytics and Measurement - $56,000

A. Marketing Analytics Software - $30,000

B. Customer Feedback Surveys - $10,000

C. Employee Training on Customer Engagement - $16,000

Total Budget: $756,000

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