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Sample Review

Sample Review

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I. Introduction

The book under review is The Great Gatsby, penned by the acclaimed author, F. Scott Fitzgerald. It is a narrative of deceptive glamour and idealism, offering a profound vision of the Roaring 20s. With its meticulous exploration of wealth, aspirations, and tragedy - it stands as a frontrunner in American literature. To truly appreciate its depth, it calls for a thorough disssection, which this review aims to provide.

II. Description or Summary

The Great Gatsby explores the story of its titular character, Jay Gatsby, and his unrelenting love for Daisy Buchanan. Set against the backdrop of the gilded post-war era, the narrative follows Gatsby's obsessional pursuit for an idyllic past with Daisy. From opulent gatherings to tragic demise, Gatsby's journey is filled with symbolic elements. This tale also sharply criticizes the decadent decay hidden behind the shimmering facade of wealth. Simultaneously, it reflects on the Illusionary American Dream.

III. Evaluation or Analysis

For clarity, the critical evaluation of the novel has been displayed in a tabular form. Each aspect has been scrutinized with reference to its application in the business world.




Business Relevance


Story of ambition & desire

Highly engaging & poignant

A lesson on risk-taking, hard work, and perserverance


Well-layered, realistic characters

Remarkably portrayed

Insights on human relations and behavior


Gatsby's love for Daisy, Dr.TJ.Eckleburg's eyes

Artistically devised

Understanding of subtleties in communication and interpretation


American Dream, Wealth & Social Mobility

Professionally critiqued

Questioning societal precepts on success and happiness

IV. Recommendations

  • Utilize the theme of unattainable dream as a caution for setting realistic business goals.

  • Study the characters to understand a variety of personality traits and human behaviours.

  • Apply the metaphoric wisdom in creating more nuanced marketing and communication strategies.

  • Learn about the repercussions of desire for wealth and social status on business ethics.

  • Implement the examination of societal boundaries as a means to challenge conventional business norms.

  • Exploit the novel’s criticism of materialism to encourage sustainable and conscious business practices.

  • Refer to the narrative style to improve storytelling in business presentations or reports.

  • Draw parallels between Gatsby’s ambition and corporate ambition for comprehensive case studies.

  • Use the novel as a reference to understand the socio-economic climate of the era for business history cases.

  • Relate the exploring of the American Dream with the exploration of business visions and aspirations.

V. Rating or Score

Ratings: 4.5/5

With carefully crafted characters, an evocative description, and a resonating theme, The Great Gatsby offers a riveting reading experience. It may, however, demand vigilant reading due to its deep and symbolic narrative. It scores high with its thought-provoking plot and the ability to hold a mirror to the society. Overall, it deserves a solid 4.5 out of 5 for transcending its era to offer timeless lessons.

VI. Conclusion

The Great Gatsby is not just a novel, it's a critique of a dream that many chase but few realize. It vividly portrays the fallacy of wealth and social standing in the pursuit of happiness. It expresses the futility of yearning for an unattainable past. However, its true brilliance lies in its ability to encapsulate an era while speaking directly to the reader's conscience. It makes us reflect, question, and understand the complexities of life and love. For each of these reasons, it is a highly recommended read for anyone seeking depth and substance in literature.

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