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Administration Record Retention Policy

Administration Record Retention Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Administration Record Retention Policy is to establish guidelines for the retention, storage, and disposal of administrative records generated and maintained by [Your Company Name] in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as best practices for efficient and effective record management.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all administrative records created, received, or maintained by employees, contractors, consultants, or agents acting on behalf of [Your Company Name], regardless of format or medium, including but not limited to paper documents, electronic files, emails, and digital communications.

3. Definitions



Administrative Records

Refers to documents and records created or received in the course of conducting business activities, including but not limited to financial records, contracts, agreements, correspondence, reports, policies, procedures, and other similar documents.

Retention Period

Refers to the length of time an administrative record should be retained before it is eligible for disposal or destruction.

Legal Hold

Refers to a directive to suspend the normal disposition or destruction of records due to pending or anticipated litigation, investigation, audit, or other legal proceedings.

4. Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all employees, contractors, consultants, and agents of [Your Company Name] to adhere to this Administration Record Retention Policy and to ensure compliance with record management procedures outlined herein. The Chief Compliance Officer or designated individual shall oversee the implementation and enforcement of this policy.

5. Record Retention Guidelines

5.1. Retention Periods: The retention periods for administrative records shall be determined based on legal and regulatory requirements, as well as business needs and operational considerations. A record retention schedule shall be developed and maintained by the Records Management Department, outlining specific retention periods for various types of administrative records.

5.2. Record Classification: Administrative records shall be classified based on their content, importance, and retention requirements. Records shall be categorized as follows:

a. Vital Records: Records essential for the continued operation and survival of the organization.

b. Permanent Records: Records with enduring historical, legal, or archival value.

c. Non-essential Records: Records with limited operational or legal significance.

5.3. Storage and Access: Administrative records shall be stored in secure and accessible locations, whether physical or electronic, to prevent unauthorized access, loss, or damage. Access to records shall be restricted to authorized personnel with a legitimate business need.

5.4. Legal Holds: In the event of pending or anticipated litigation, investigation, audit, or other legal proceedings, the Chief Compliance Officer or designated individual shall issue a legal hold directive to suspend the disposal or destruction of relevant administrative records until further notice.

6. Record Disposal and Destruction

6.1. Disposal Process: At the end of their retention period, administrative records shall be reviewed for disposal in accordance with the record retention schedule. Records identified for disposal shall be securely and permanently disposed of using approved methods, such as shredding for paper documents or secure deletion for electronic files.

6.2. Destruction Documentation: Records management personnel shall maintain documentation of the disposal and destruction process, including the date, method, and authorized personnel involved in the disposal of administrative records.

7. Training and Awareness

Every person affiliated with the company, including all employees, independent contractors, professional consultants, and acting agents, is required to undergo a comprehensive training program about the Administration Record Retention Policy as well as its related procedures. This initiative is aimed to ensure these individuals fully comprehend and adhere to the said policy. Additionally, the company will also regularly conduct awareness campaigns and provide updates as part of our commitment to emphasize the criticality of efficient record management and to clearly impart the necessity of fulfilling the record retention requirements.

8. Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement

The individual who holds the position of the Chief Compliance Officer, or another individual who may be designated for this role, holds the responsibility of monitoring the adherence to this policy. This monitoring will be conducted through various means, including but not limited to periodic audits, rigorous inspections, and thorough reviews. Should it be discovered that there has been non-compliance with the guidelines put forth for record retention, there may be consequences instigated. This could potentially escalate to disciplinary action in response to the non-compliance. The severity of this disciplinary action could potentially escalate, reaching as far as the termination of the contract or employment of the individual found to be non-compliant with the aforementioned record retention guidelines.

9. Policy Review and Revision

This policy, which governs the retention of administration records, is slated for an annual review process. This process will be undertaken by the Records Management Department in collaboration with legal counsel. The review's main aim is to ensure that our policy is in alignment with the most current legal and regulatory requirements, as well as industry best practices. Should there be a need for any revisions to this policy, the approval for these changes will need to come from our senior management team.

10. Conclusion

Effective record retention and management are essential for [Your Company Name] to fulfill its legal, regulatory, and operational obligations. This policy establishes the framework for the systematic retention, storage, and disposal of administrative records in a manner that ensures compliance, accountability, and efficiency.

Prepared By: [Your Name], Chief Compliance Officer

Date: [Month, Day, Year]

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