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Administration Supplier Evaluation Form

Administration Supplier Evaluation Form

This Supplier Evaluation Form is developed to systematically assess the performance and reliability of [Your Company Name]'s suppliers. The evaluation process ensures that suppliers meet our standards for quality, delivery, cost, and service. This form facilitates objective analysis and helps maintain high standards within our supply chain.

Supplier Information

Supplier Name:

Evaluation Period:

Evaluator Name:

Evaluator Position:

Date of Evaluation:

Evaluation Criteria

Rate the supplier on the following aspects using the scale: 1 (Poor) - 5 (Excellent).


Rating (1-5)


Quality of Goods/Services

Delivery Timeliness

Price Competitiveness

Customer Service

Compliance with Terms

Innovation and Improvement

Financial Stability

Sustainability Practices

Overall Performance

Overall Rating:

(Calculate the average of the ratings above or provide an overall impression.)


Areas for Improvement:


  • Continue partnership with no changes.

  • Continue partnership with specific improvements required.

  • Re-evaluate partnership after a specified period.

  • Discontinue partnership.

Evaluator's Signature

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