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Administration Confidentiality Reminder Notice

Administration Confidentiality Reminder Notice

Date: [Date]



Subject: Reminder: Administration Confidentiality Obligations


Hope this notice finds you well. As per our commitment to maintain high business standards, we would like to remind you of the confidentiality obligations that run with our operations. This notice serves as an affirmation of our faith in our workforce and it aims primarily to ensure that our core principles are upheld and practiced in everyday business affairs.

Kindly take note that Administration of this business has confidentiality policies in place that protect sensitive business information. This info includes plans, financials, client lists, proprietary resources, and any other information that, if divulged, could harm the business or give advantage to our competitors. As an entrusted individual you are expected to adhere to these policies to uphold the integrity and reputation of our establishment.

We believe that reiteration of our confidentiality policy will help in further fostering a professional setting where business integrity is not compromised. Administering these guidelines will help us maintain a competitive edge and ultimately lead to robust business development.

Please review the confidentiality agreement that you have previously signed, and pay particularly close attention to the sections regarding document security and the disclosure of sensitive information. If you find any confusion about the aforementioned, kindly reach out to us. We are committed to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone.

Thank you for continuously adhering to our administrative guidelines, values and business ethics. We look forward to your support in making this a conducive work environment where every individual respects the sensitivity of confidential business information.




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