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Sales New Market Lead Notice

Sales New Market Lead Notice

To: [Team/Department]

From: [Your Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Subject: New Market Lead Notification

I am pleased to inform you of an exciting development within our sales strategy. We have identified a promising new market opportunity that aligns with our expansion goals. This memo serves to notify the sales team of this opportunity and provide an overview of the lead in question.

Lead Details

  1. Lead Name: [Insert Lead Name]

  2. Lead Company: [Your Company Name]

  3. Lead Contact Information: [Your Company Email]

  4. Lead Description: [Insert Brief Description]

Lead Qualification

  1. Lead Source: The lead was generated through our participation in a recent industry trade show.

  2. Lead Engagement: The lead attended two of our webinars and downloaded our latest whitepaper.

  3. Lead Fit: The lead is a senior IT manager in the healthcare sector, which aligns well with our solutions.

  4. Lead Intent: The lead mentioned in their inquiry that they are actively looking for IT security solutions.

Next Steps

  1. Assignment: The lead has been assigned to Kenneth Witwer for further engagement.

  2. Initial Contact: Contact will be initiated within [00] hours to set up an introductory call.

  3. Customized Approach: Tailor the conversation to address the lead's specific interests in IT security.


This new market lead represents an exciting opportunity for our sales team. Their strong engagement and alignment with our solutions make them a valuable prospect. We encourage your proactive involvement in nurturing this lead and exploring the potential for a successful partnership.

Should you have any questions or require additional information about this lead or our new market strategy, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Phone Number]

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