5 Day Taiwan Itinerary

5 Day Taiwan Itinerary

Welcome to your bespoke five-day Taiwan trip, carefully curated to encompass all the magic and wonder Taiwan offers. We have tailored this journey to deliver a unique experience, created with you in mind. This travel itinerary will guide you through five days of unforgettable experiences in Taiwan, ensuring you make the most of your time in this vibrant and diverse destination.

Travel Itinerary

Day 1

Exploring Taipei


  • Visit the iconic Taipei 101 skyscraper and marvel at the panoramic views of the city from the observation deck.

  • Explore the historic Longshan Temple and immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage.


  • Indulge in a traditional Taiwanese meal at Din Tai Fung, renowned for its exquisite dumplings.


  • Wander through the vibrant streets of Ximending, Taipei's bustling shopping and entertainment district.

  • Explore the National Palace Museum and admire its vast collection of Chinese imperial artifacts.


  • Enjoy a stroll along the Tamsui Old Street, lined with charming shops and street vendors.

  • Sample local street food delights such as stinky tofu and bubble milk tea.

a red and gold building with a clock on it's side

Day 2

Natural Wonders of Taroko Gorge


  • Depart for Taroko National Park, a natural marvel known for its stunning marble canyons and lush landscapes.

  • Explore the awe-inspiring Taroko Gorge and hike along the picturesque trails.


  • Enjoy a picnic amidst the serene surroundings of Taroko Gorge, surrounded by towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls.


  • Visit the Eternal Spring Shrine, a picturesque temple nestled amidst the verdant mountains.


  • Return to Taipei and unwind with a relaxing evening at Beitou Hot Springs, soaking in the rejuvenating thermal waters.

Day 3

Cultural Immersion in Jiufen and Shifen


  • Journey to Jiufen, a charming mountain village known for its nostalgic atmosphere and narrow alleyways.

  • Explore the quaint teahouses and artisan shops tucked away in the labyrinthine streets.


  • Savor local delicacies such as taro balls and sweet potato fries at one of Jiufen's renowned street food stalls.


  • Continue to Shifen, famed for its scenic railway tracks and traditional sky lantern festivals.

  • Write your wishes on a colorful lantern and release it into the sky, a symbolic gesture of hope and prosperity.


  • Return to Taipei and unwind with a sumptuous dinner at Raohe Night Market, feasting on an array of delectable Taiwanese street food.

Day 4

Cultural Heritage in Tainan


  • Depart for Tainan, Taiwan's oldest city and cultural heartland.

  • Explore the historic Anping Old Fort and learn about its significance in Taiwan's maritime history.


  • Indulge in Tainan's renowned culinary delights, including Danzi noodles and gua bao (pork belly bun), at a local eatery.


  • Visit the Chihkan Tower, a historic landmark reflecting Taiwan's rich multicultural heritage.

  • Explore the bustling Shennong Street and immerse yourself in its vibrant atmosphere.


  • Enjoy a stroll along the Tainan Flower Night Market, sampling local snacks and browsing for souvenirs.

high rise building during sunset

Day 5

Coastal Beauty of Kenting


  • Depart for Kenting National Park, renowned for its stunning coastline and diverse ecosystems.

  • Explore the pristine beaches of Baisha Bay and White Sand Bay, perfect for swimming and sunbathing.


  • Enjoy a seafood feast at a seaside restaurant, savoring freshly caught delicacies such as grilled squid and steamed fish.


  • Visit the Eluanbi Lighthouse, perched atop rugged cliffs overlooking the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

  • Explore the vibrant Kenting Night Market, sampling local specialties and enjoying live performances.

Tourist Attractions

Taipei 101

Towering majestically over the Taipei skyline, Taipei 101 stands as an architectural marvel and symbol of Taiwan's economic prowess. Formerly the world's tallest building, its design incorporates traditional Asian elements with modern engineering.

Longshan Temple

A sanctuary of serenity amidst Taipei's bustling streets, Longshan Temple is one of Taiwan's most revered religious sites. Dating back to the 18th century, this beautifully adorned temple is dedicated to the Buddhist deity Guanyin and features intricate wood carvings, colorful murals, and ornate rooftops.

Taroko Gorge

Nature's masterpiece carved into the heart of Taiwan, Taroko Gorge is a testament to the island's geological wonders. Marvel at the sheer marble cliffs that rise dramatically from the Liwu River below, creating a breathtaking landscape of rugged grandeur.


Nestled amidst mist-shrouded mountains overlooking the East China Sea, Jiufen exudes an otherworldly charm that has captivated visitors for decades. This historic mining town, immortalized in films and literature, is renowned for its narrow cobblestone alleyways, red lanterns, and traditional teahouses.

Tainan Flower Night Market

A sensory delight that comes alive after dusk, the Tainan Flower Night Market is a vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and flavors. Located in the heart of Taiwan's cultural capital, this bustling market offers a cornucopia of local delicacies, artisanal crafts, and live performances.


Din Tai Fung

A culinary institution synonymous with Taiwanese cuisine, Din Tai Fung has garnered international acclaim for its delectable xiao long bao (soup dumplings). Founded in Taipei in 1972, this Michelin-starred restaurant chain has perfected the art of crafting delicate dumplings filled with savory broth and tender meat, enveloped in thin, translucent skins.

Raohe Night Market

Located in Taipei's Songshan District, this bustling market is a treasure trove of culinary delights, offering a diverse array of Taiwanese street food favorites. From sizzling skewers of grilled meat and seafood to piping hot bowls of beef noodle soup and crispy fried snacks, embark on a gastronomic adventure as you explore the labyrinthine lanes lined with food stalls and vendors eager to satisfy your cravings.

Beitou Hot Springs

Nestled amidst the verdant hills of Taipei's Beitou District, Beitou Hot Springs offers a tranquil oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation. Fed by natural geothermal springs renowned for their therapeutic properties, this idyllic retreat invites visitors to immerse themselves in soothing mineral-rich waters that promote health and well-being.

Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall at night in Taipei, Taiwan.

Must-See Locations

National Palace Museum

A treasure trove of Chinese art and culture, the National Palace Museum houses one of the world's most extensive collections of imperial artifacts and artworks. Located in Taipei's Shilin District, this iconic museum showcases over 700,000 priceless artifacts spanning thousands of years of Chinese history.

Eternal Spring Shrine

Perched atop the verdant slopes of Taroko Gorge, the Eternal Spring Shrine is a picturesque sanctuary dedicated to the memory of those who lost their lives during the construction of the Central Cross-Island Highway. Surrounded by cascading waterfalls and lush foliage, this tranquil shrine offers a serene respite amidst the rugged beauty of Taroko National Park.


A quaint village steeped in tradition and folklore, Shifen is renowned for its charming railway tracks and iconic sky lantern festivals. Nestled amidst the verdant hills of northern Taiwan, this historic village exudes an old-world charm that harks back to a bygone era.

Chihkan Tower

A cultural landmark that bears witness to Taiwan's multicultural heritage, Chihkan Tower is a historic site located in the heart of Tainan City. Originally built by the Dutch in the 17th century as Fort Provintia, this iconic landmark served as an administrative center and trading post during the colonial era.


  1. Carry sufficient cash as some establishments may not accept credit cards.

  2. Stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun during outdoor activities.

  3. Respect local customs and traditions, especially when visiting temples and shrines.

  4. Stay aware of your surroundings, particularly in crowded areas and markets.

  5. Check weather forecasts and pack accordingly for outdoor excursions.

  6. Download offline maps or purchase a local SIM card for easy navigation.

  7. Keep important documents such as passports and travel insurance information secure at all times.

  8. Familiarize yourself with basic Mandarin phrases or carry a translation app for easier communication with locals.

This itinerary has been meticulously crafted to offer a balanced blend of relaxation and exploration, bringing you the very best of Taiwan in five days. Be prepared for the trip of your lifetime navigating through Taiwan’s vibrant culture, delicious food, and scenic landmarks. Feel free to contact us for any further assistance or recommendations!


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