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Sales Lead Generation Channel Survey

Sales Lead Generation Channel Survey

1. How did you first learn about our golfing equipment products?

  • Social Media Advertisement (e.g., SpaceBook, MarsGram)

  • Search Engine (e.g., Google Quantum Search)

  • Referral from a friend or colleague

  • In-store display or in-club demo

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Showcase

  • Industry Trade Shows or Events

  • Other:                               

2. Which of the following online platforms do you most frequently use to research golfing equipment?

  • Dedicated Golfing Websites/Blogs

  • Virtual Golfing Forums

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Shopping Apps

  • Manufacturer Websites

  • Online Retailers (e.g., Amazon Neptune, eBay Mars)

  • Other:                               

3. How often do you engage with golfing equipment content on Social Media?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Rarely

  • Never

4. What type of content do you find most compelling when considering golfing equipment?

  • Customer Reviews/Testimonials

  • Product Demonstrations (Virtual/Augmented Reality)

  • Comparison Charts

  • Professional Endorsements

  • Tutorials and How-to Guides

  • Other:                               

5. Do you prefer receiving information about new golfing equipment products via...

  • Email newsletters

  • Push notifications on mobile devices

  • Direct mail (physical)

  • VR product showcases

  • AR interactive catalogs

  • Other:                               

6. How much influence do promotional offers (discounts, bundle deals, etc.) have on your purchasing decision?

  • Significant influence

  • Moderate influence

  • Minimal influence

  • No influence

7. When considering a new golfing equipment purchase, how important is a brand's sustainability and eco-friendliness?

  • Very important

  • Important

  • Neutral

  • Of little importance

  • Not important at all

8. Would you be interested in a subscription service where you receive the latest golfing equipment regularly?

  • Definitely

  • Maybe

  • Not sure

  • Not interested

9. Please provide any additional feedback or suggestions on how we can improve your experience with our golfing equipment offerings.



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