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Marketing Ad-hoc Activity Budget Request

Marketing Ad-hoc Activity Budget Request


The Marketing Ad-hoc Activity Budget Request document streamlines the process of seeking additional funding for unscheduled marketing activities that are outside the regular budget. This request is vital for ensuring that ad-hoc marketing initiatives align with the company's objectives and receive the necessary financial support.

Request Overview

Activity Title

[Campaign Name]

Requested Budget


Requested By

[Employee Name]

Activity Description


In this section, we provide a comprehensive justification for the requested budget:

  • Purpose: The primary goal of this campaign is to increase brand visibility, engage with potential customers, and ultimately drive sales.

  • Expected Outcomes: We anticipate a significant increase in our social media following, improved brand recognition, and a boost in website traffic.

  • Relevance: This ad-hoc activity is crucial as it taps into a trending opportunity in our industry. Capitalizing on this moment can significantly benefit our brand.

Budget Breakdown

Impact on Existing Budget

The proposed ad-hoc activity aligns with our existing marketing budget. No reallocation of funds is required.

Alternative Solutions

We have explored alternative solutions, but an ad-hoc budget allocation is the most effective way to seize this immediate opportunity. Utilizing existing budgets may compromise other planned activities.

Approval Process

The approval process is as follows:

  1. Approval Authority: The Marketing Director, [Name], will review and approve the budget request.

  2. Review Timeline: The request will be reviewed within [0] business days.

  3. Notification: The requester will be notified of the decision via email.


The Marketing Ad-hoc Activity Budget Request ensures that unscheduled marketing initiatives are thoroughly evaluated and aligned with our company's objectives. With this additional budget, we can capitalize on a timely opportunity and work toward achieving our marketing goals.

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