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Coming Late to Office Memo



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[Your Name]


September 4, 2055


Addressing Late Arrival to the Workplace

Dear Team,

In recent weeks, it has come to management's attention that punctuality has been an issue for a number of staff members within our organization. Continuous late arrival to the office not only disrupts the workflow but affects team morale.

We understand that occasional lateness can be unavoidable due to unforeseen circumstances. However, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that this does not become a regular instance. Coming late affects both individual productivity and the overall efficiency of our [Your Company Name].

The company's policy regarding punctuality is clear. Employees are expected to be logged in and ready to carry out their duties at the start of their shift. Consistently falling short of this expectation could result in necessary action from management.

We urge those struggling with punctuality to develop personal strategies to correct this. However, if you are facing extenuating circumstances causing consistent tardiness, please reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources Department for support.

Let's work together diligently towards creating a productive and respectful work environment where everyone's time is respected.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Department]

[Your Company Name]

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