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Sales Proposal Submission Schedule

Sales Proposal Submission Schedule

I. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed Sales Proposal Submission Schedule for [Your Company Name]. This schedule has been developed to ensure that we meet all deadlines, allocate sufficient resources, and deliver a high-quality proposal to our prospective clients. The schedule outlines the key milestones from initial research to final submission, including intermediate steps such as draft revisions and client consultations.

II. Proposal Submission Schedule

The following table provides an in-depth view of the submission schedule:


Task Description

Start Date

End Date

Responsible Party

Research and Identification

Conduct market research and identify target client needs.

October 30, 2050

November 5, 2050

Market Research Team

Preparation of Initial Draft

Assemble data and write the first draft of the proposal.



First internal review of the proposal draft. Feedback collection.


Make necessary revisions based on internal review.

Client Consultation

Share the revised draft with the client for preliminary feedback.

Final Review

Final internal review and quality assurance checks.


Submit the finalized proposal to the client.

A. Research and Identification

In this phase, the Market Research Team is responsible for gathering necessary market insights and understanding the specific needs of the target client. Data such as market trends, competitor analysis, and client-specific requirements will be collected.

B. Preparation of Initial Draft

The Proposal Writing Team will use the research data to compose the first draft of the sales proposal. This includes structuring the proposal, identifying the unique selling propositions, and outlining the pricing strategy.

C. Internal Review

The draft will undergo its first internal review by the Review Board. The aim is to collect constructive feedback for improvements.

D. Revisions

Based on the feedback from the internal review, the Proposal Writing Team will make necessary revisions. This includes improving content, updating data, and refining the proposal's structure.

E. Client Consultation

The revised draft will be shared with the client for preliminary feedback. The Account Manager will facilitate this process, making note of any suggestions or requirements from the client.

F. Final Review

The Quality Assurance Team will conduct a final review of the proposal to ensure that it meets all quality standards and client requirements. Any final edits or adjustments will be made at this stage.

G. Submission

The finalized proposal will be submitted to the client by the Account Manager on the designated submission date.

III. Notes and Assumptions

  1. All start and end dates are subject to change based on resource availability and client requirements.

For any questions or clarifications regarding this schedule, please contact:

[Your Name]

[Your Email]

[Your Number]

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