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Sales Marketing Collateral Compliance Document

Sales Marketing Collateral Compliance Document

A. Introduction


The purpose of this document is to outline the company-wide standards, processes, and guidelines that must be followed when creating, distributing, and storing sales marketing collateral. The aim is to ensure that all collateral is in compliance with legal regulations, internal policies, and maintains the integrity of [Your Company Name]’s brand. This establishes a foundational roadmap for marketing activities.


This document applies to all kinds of sales marketing collateral, including but not limited to printed materials, digital assets, email campaigns, and social media posts. It serves as a holistic guide for anyone involved in the creation of sales collateral.


This compliance document is applicable to all employees, contractors, and third-party vendors involved in creating, approving, and disseminating sales marketing collateral on behalf of [Your Company Name]. This ensures uniformity and consistency across various platforms and mediums.

B. Compliance Guidelines


  • Logo Usage: Use only the official [Your Company Name] logo, adhering to the approved color palette. Non-adherence could result in brand dilution.

  • Typography: Use the approved fonts and styles as outlined in [Your Company Name]'s brand guidelines. Typography is a subtle yet powerful brand identifier.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

  • Content Originality: All content must be original and must not infringe on the copyrights of other entities. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  • Image Licenses: All images used must be licensed or created by [Your Company Name]. Maintain a record of image licenses. Unauthorized use of images can result in legal ramifications.

Regulatory Compliance

  • Data Privacy: All collateral must comply with data protection laws like GDPR or CCPA, depending on the target audience. This is to avoid any possible legal consequences.

  • Industry Regulations: Ensure compliance with industry-specific regulations such as FDA for healthcare-related collateral. This maintains the credibility and reliability of our brand.

Quality Assurance

  • Accuracy of Information: All factual claims must be supported by credible sources and evidence. Inaccurate information can harm the brand's reputation.

  • Language and Tone: Maintain a consistent and professional tone in line with [Your Company Name]'s communication guidelines. This ensures a coherent brand image.

C. Collateral Types


  • Design Guidelines: Follow the approved template available in the marketing resource repository. Inconsistencies in design can result in brand confusion.

  • Distribution: Printed copies should be of high-quality resolution. Poor print quality can impact the brand negatively.

Email Campaigns

  • Content: Emails must not contain misleading subject lines. Misleading content can be legally problematic.

  • Opt-out: Always include an opt-out link. This respects the recipient's autonomy and complies with data protection laws.

Social Media

  • Post Frequency: Limit posts to a maximum of 5 times per day per platform. Excessive posting may lead to audience fatigue.

  • Hashtags: Use only approved hashtags related to [Your Company Name] or the campaign. Incorrect usage can dilute brand messaging.

D. Review and Approval Process


Submit collaterals to the Compliance Team via [Your Company Email] for initial review. Timely submission is crucial for ensuring streamlined review processes.


The Compliance Team will review the submission within 5 business days. Delays can occur during peak business periods, so plan accordingly.


Resubmit revised collateral if necessary. Multiple revisions may be required based on the complexity of the project.


Receive final approval from the Compliance Team before distribution. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.

E. Compliance Checklist



Complied (Yes/No)

Logo according to guidelines

Official logo used


Approved fonts and styles

Copyright compliance

No infringement

Regulatory compliance

Adheres to legal standards

Quality Assurance

Information accuracy

F. Enforcement and Monitoring

Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including termination of contracts for vendors. Regular audits will be conducted to ensure continuous compliance.

Prepared By: [Your Name]

Date: [Month, Day, Year]

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