Notability Case Brief

Notability Case Brief

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Case Title: Roe v. Wade

Court: United States Supreme Court

Citation: 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

Date Decided: January 22, 1973

Essential Facts

  • Parties: Jane Roe (pseudonym for Norma McCorvey) sued Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County, Texas, challenging the constitutionality of the state's criminal abortion laws.

  • Issue: The central issue was whether a woman's right to privacy encompassed her decision to terminate a pregnancy.

  • Procedural History: Roe initially filed suit in a federal district court, which ruled in her favor. However, the State of Texas appealed directly to the United States Supreme Court.

Legal Question

  • Does the Constitution protect a woman's right to choose to terminate her pregnancy?


  • The Supreme Court held that a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy falls within the right to privacy protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.

  • The Court established a trimester framework:

    • During the first trimester, states cannot regulate abortion.

    • During the second trimester, states may regulate abortion to protect maternal health.

    • During the third trimester, states may regulate or ban abortion to protect fetal life, except when necessary to preserve the woman's life or health.

  • The Court determined that Texas's abortion laws were unconstitutional as they violated Roe's right to privacy.


  • Roe v. Wade remains one of the most significant and controversial decisions in Supreme Court history.

  • It established a constitutional right to abortion, shaping subsequent debates over reproductive rights and legal precedent.


  • Despite its landmark status, Roe v. Wade continues to face challenges, with ongoing debates about abortion rights, state regulations, and potential reconsideration by the Supreme Court.


Roe v. Wade is a seminal case in American legal history, establishing the constitutional right to abortion while igniting enduring debates over reproductive rights, privacy, and judicial activism.

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