Free Sales Post-presentation Survey Template
Sales Post-presentation Survey
Dear [Your Client / Subscriber / User Name],
Thank you for attending our presentation. Your feedback is essential to help us improve and provide you with the best service possible. Kindly take a few moments to complete this survey.
About You:
Name (Optional): [Your Client / Subscriber / User Name]
Email Address: [Your Client / Subscriber / User Email]
Company Name (Optional): [ABC Enterprises]
Contact Number (Optional): [555-5678]
A. Presentation Feedback:
1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well did the presentation address your needs and expectations?
(1) Not Satisfactory
(2) Below Expectations
(3) Met Expectations
(4) Exceeded Expectations
(5) Outstanding
2. Please share your thoughts on the presentation content. What did you find most valuable, and what areas, if any, do you believe require improvement?
B. Sales Team:
1. How would you rate the professionalism and expertise of our sales team?
(1) Very Poor
(2) Poor
(3) Neutral
(4) Good
(5) Excellent
2. Were our sales representatives responsive and attentive to your questions and concerns during the presentation?
3. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions regarding our sales team's performance.
C. Overall Experience:
1. Considering your experience with our presentation and sales team, how likely are you to consider [Your Company Name] for your business needs?
(1) Very Unlikely
(2) Unlikely
(3) Neutral
(4) Likely
(5) Very Likely
2. Do you have any specific requirements or expectations for us to meet in order to secure your business?
If yes, please specify:
D. Additional Comments:
1. Please share any other comments, suggestions, or feedback you may have about [Your Company Name] or our presentation that can help us enhance our services.
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your input is invaluable to us, and we look forward to the possibility of working with you.
[Your Company Name]