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Sales Collateral Release Contract

Sales Collateral Release Contract


This Sales Collateral Release Contract ("Contract") is entered into on this [Month Day, Year] (the "Effective Date") by and between:

A. First Party

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

B. Second Party

[Second Party Name]

[Second Party Address]

WHEREAS, First Party is engaged in the business of cutting-edge technology solutions and desires to create, produce, and release various sales collaterals and presentations;

WHEREAS, Second Party is a professional Collateral Production Company with expertise in designing, producing, and delivering sales collaterals and presentations;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:


A. Design and Production

  1. Second Party shall undertake the design and production of diverse sales collateral, including but not limited to sales presentations, brochures, and flyers, in accordance with the specifications outlined in the Proposal.

  2. The collaterals shall be created with meticulous attention to detail and in adherence to the brand guidelines provided by First Party, ensuring a consistent and professional appearance.

  3. Collaborative efforts with First Party's marketing and sales teams will involve iterative feedback sessions to refine content, design, and ensure alignment with strategic objectives.

B. Digital Deliverables

  1. Second Party commits to delivering digital files in formats compatible with both online and offline mediums.

  2. All digital files will be provided in a timely manner, as per the agreed-upon project requirements.

  3. Modifications or additions to the digital deliverables must be communicated in writing and mutually agreed upon by both Parties.

C. Training Sessions

  1. Second Party will conduct training sessions for First Party's marketing and sales teams on utilizing the sales collaterals effectively.

  2. These sessions will cover the optimal use of the collaterals, emphasizing key selling points, and addressing potential client queries.

  3. Continuous support will be provided to address any concerns or queries that may arise during the use of the collaterals.


A. Initial Drafts and Feedback

  1. Second Party shall deliver initial drafts of the sales collaterals by [Month Day, Year], providing First Party with an opportunity to provide feedback.

  2. Feedback will be incorporated into subsequent revisions, ensuring that the final deliverables meet the expectations of both Parties.

  3. Any adjustments to the delivery schedule necessitated by unforeseen circumstances will be communicated promptly, and mutual agreement shall be sought.

B. Finalization and Approval

  1. Finalized versions of the sales collaterals will be presented for approval no later than [Month Day, Year].

  2. Approval signifies First Party's satisfaction with the quality and conformity of the deliverables to the agreed-upon standards.

  3. Post-approval modifications will be accommodated within reasonable limits, subject to mutual agreement between the Parties.


A. Payment Schedule

The payment of $[50,000] will be disbursed as follows:

  1. First installment of $[16,666.67] upon Contract signing.

  2. Second installment of $[16,666.67] upon completion of the design phase.

  3. Final installment of $[16,666.67] upon project completion.

  4. Invoices for each installment will be provided by Second Party and are payable within [15] days from the invoice date.

  5. Failure to make timely payments may result in project delays and could impact the delivery schedule outlined in Section III.

B. Payment Method and Currency

  1. Payments shall be made via [cash], and the currency for all transactions will be [USD].

  2. Any transaction fees or currency conversion costs associated with payments shall be borne by the paying Party.

  3. In the event of changes to the payment method or currency, both Parties must mutually agree in writing before implementation.

C. Late Payment Penalties

  1. A late payment penalty of [5]% will be applied for payments not received within [7] of the due date.

  2. Persistent late payments may result in suspension of work until outstanding payments are settled.

  3. Any concerns or disputes regarding invoices or late payment penalties shall be resolved through an amicable discussion between the Parties.


A. Ownership and Transfer

  1. Until full payment is received, all sales collaterals remain the intellectual property of the Second Party.

  2. Upon full payment, ownership and full rights to the sales collaterals are transferred to the First Party.

  3. Second Party agrees to promptly transfer all design files, including raw and editable formats, upon receipt of the final payment.

B. Usage Rights

  1. First Party is granted exclusive rights to use, reproduce, and distribute the sales collaterals for its promotional and marketing purposes.

  2. Second Party retains the right to showcase the collaterals in its portfolio unless expressly requested otherwise by First Party.

  3. Any additional usage rights beyond those specified in this Contract must be agreed upon in writing by both Parties.

C. Indemnification

  1. Second Party warrants that the sales collaterals provided do not infringe on any third-party intellectual property rights.

  2. In case of any claims or legal actions related to intellectual property infringement, Second Party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless First Party.

  3. First Party shall promptly notify Second Party of any such claims and cooperate in the defense or settlement.


A. Non-Disclosure Obligations

  1. Both Parties commit to keeping all proprietary information and trade secrets confidential throughout and after the collaboration. This includes but is not limited to design concepts, marketing strategies, and any other confidential information exchanged during the project.

  2. Exceptions to confidentiality may only occur with the written consent of the disclosing Party or as required by law.

B. Non-Use of Confidential Information

  1. Confidential information disclosed shall only be used for the purpose of fulfilling obligations under this Contract.

  2. Neither Party shall exploit or use the confidential information for personal gain or disclose it to third parties without prior written consent.

  3. The obligation of confidentiality persists for a period of [5] years after the termination of this Contract.


A. Termination Rights

  1. Either Party reserves the right to terminate this Contract with a [14-day] written notice if the other Party fails to fulfill its obligations.

  2. Upon termination, First Party agrees to pay for all services rendered up to the termination date in accordance with Section IV.

  3. The termination notice should clearly specify the reasons for termination and any outstanding issues that need resolution.

B. Effect on Intellectual Property

  1. In the event of termination, the rights and ownership of sales collaterals will be governed by the provisions outlined in Section V (Copyright and Intellectual Property).

  2. Second Party shall promptly deliver any completed or in-progress work, including design files, to First Party upon termination.

  3. Termination does not relieve either Party of confidentiality obligations, and such obligations persist beyond the termination date.


A. Definition and Application

  1. Force majeure events, including acts of God, war, acts of terrorism, government regulations, fires, and natural disasters, excuse performance delays.

  2. The affected Party must notify the other Party promptly, providing details of the force majeure event and its expected duration.

  3. The Parties agree to discuss and adjust project timelines and deliverables in good faith to accommodate the impact of force majeure events.

B. Mitigation Efforts

  1. Both Parties commit to making reasonable efforts to mitigate the impact of force majeure events on the project's progress.

  2. Mitigation efforts may include exploring alternative methods, resources, or timelines to minimize delays and fulfill contractual obligations.

  3. Regular communication between the Parties is crucial during force majeure events to assess the situation and adapt the project plan accordingly.


A. Legal Framework

  1. This Contract is governed by the laws of [State Name], ensuring a legal framework for interpretation and enforcement.

  2. Any disputes arising from this Contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [State Name].

  3. The choice of governing law and jurisdiction aims to provide a clear and consistent legal basis for dispute resolution.

B. Dispute Resolution Mechanism

  1. In the event of a dispute, the Parties commit to first attempting to resolve the matter through amicable negotiations and discussions.

  2. If amicable resolution fails, mediation will be pursued before resorting to formal legal proceedings, promoting a cost-effective and collaborative approach.

  3. Both Parties agree to cooperate in good faith during dispute resolution processes to reach a fair and equitable resolution.


A. Superseding Prior Agreements

  1. This Contract represents the entire agreement between the Parties, supplanting all prior agreements, whether written or oral.

  2. No modifications or amendments to this Contract are valid unless made in writing and duly signed by both Parties.

B. Unforeseen Contingencies

  1. The Parties acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances may arise during the project, and this section emphasizes the need for cooperation and flexibility in addressing unforeseen challenges.

  2. Both Parties commit to working collaboratively to address unforeseen contingencies and adjust project plans as needed.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date.


[Authorized Representative Name]

[Your Company Name]

First Party

Date: [Month Day, Year]


[Second Party Name]

Second Party

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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