Free Workplace Incident Reporting Form Template



Free Workplace Incident Reporting Form Template

Workplace Incident Reporting Form

Complete each section with accuracy and detail, and submit it to the safety department within [24 hours] of the incident.

Employee Information

Employee's Full Name:

[Employee's Name]

Job Title:


Supervisor's Name:

Contact Information:

Incident Details

Date of Incident:

[Month Day, Year]

Time of Incident:

Exact Location of Incident:

Description of the Incident:

Witness Information

Witness Name(s):

[Your Name]

Contact Information:

Witness Account:

Injury Information

Nature of Injury:

Minor head contusion

Part of Body Affected:

First Aid Administered:

Medical Attention Required:

Medical Facility Visited:

Property Damage Information

Description of Property Damage:

Minor damage to shelf corner

Estimated Cost of Damage:

Immediate Actions Taken

List of immediate corrective actions:

The wet floor was cleaned immediately, and additional caution signs were placed.

Additional Comments/Statements:

Signature of Reporting Employee:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

[Month Day, Year]

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