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Workplace Incident Reporting Form

Workplace Incident Reporting Form

Complete each section with accuracy and detail, and submit it to the safety department within [24 hours] of the incident.

Employee Information

Employee's Full Name:

[Employee's Name]

Job Title:


Supervisor's Name:

Contact Information:

Incident Details

Date of Incident:

[Month Day, Year]

Time of Incident:

Exact Location of Incident:

Description of the Incident:

Witness Information

Witness Name(s):

[Your Name]

Contact Information:

Witness Account:

Injury Information

Nature of Injury:

Minor head contusion

Part of Body Affected:

First Aid Administered:

Medical Attention Required:

Medical Facility Visited:

Property Damage Information

Description of Property Damage:

Minor damage to shelf corner

Estimated Cost of Damage:

Immediate Actions Taken

List of immediate corrective actions:

The wet floor was cleaned immediately, and additional caution signs were placed.

Additional Comments/Statements:

Signature of Reporting Employee:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

[Month Day, Year]

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