Health & Safety Workplace Evaluation Form

Health & Safety Workplace Evaluation Form

Evaluation Date

[January 1, 2050]

Evaluator's Name

[Your Name]



General Information

  • Office

  • Warehouse

  • Production Area

  • Other:                               

Section 1: Workplace Environment

1. Lighting

  • Adequate

  • Inadequate

  • Comments:                               


2. Ventilation

  • Adequate

  • Inadequate

  • Comments:                               


3. Noise Levels

  • Acceptable

  • Excessive

  • Comments:                               


4. Cleanliness and Hygiene

  • Satisfactory

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Comments:                               


Section 2: Equipment and Machinery

1. Condition of Equipment

  • Good

  • Needs Maintenance

  • Comments:                               


2. Safety Guards in Place

  • Yes

  • No

  • Comments:                               


3. Emergency Shut Offs Accessible

  • Yes

  • No

  • Comments:                               


Section 3: Fire Safety and Emergency Procedures

1. Fire Extinguishers

  • Adequate Number

  • Insufficient

  • Comments:                               


2. Evacuation Routes

  • Clearly Marked

  • Not Clearly Marked

  • Comments:                                


3. Emergency Lighting

  • Functional

  • Non-Functional

  • Comments:                               


Section 4: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

1. Availability of PPE

  • Sufficient

  • Insufficient

  • Comments:                               


2. Usage of PPE

  • Always Used

  • Sometimes Used

  • Never Used

  • Comments:                               


Section 5: Training and Awareness

1. Safety Training

  • Regularly Provided

  • Not Provided

  • Comments:                               


2. Awareness of Safety Procedures

  • High

  • Moderate

  • Low

  • Comments:                               


Additional Observations

Evaluator's Signature:

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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