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Sales Collateral Retrieval Notice


Date: [Month Day, Year]

To: All Employees of [Your Company Name]

[Your Company Name] is implementing a retrieval process for all sales collateral materials currently in circulation. This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that our sales representatives and partners are equipped with the most current and effective tools to support their sales activities.

All employees and external partners are required to return any outdated sales collateral, including brochures, datasheets, and presentation decks, to the Marketing Department by no later than [Month Day, Year]. Following this date, updated versions of sales collateral will be distributed to ensure consistency and accuracy in our sales messaging and branding.

Failure to comply with this notice may result in the discontinuation of access to current and future sales materials. We appreciate your prompt cooperation in this matter and look forward to supporting your sales efforts with the latest resources.

For any questions or concerns regarding the retrieval process or the distribution of updated sales collateral, please contact the Marketing Department at [Your Company Email].


[Your Name]

[Job Title]

Sales Templates @