Video Production Brief

Project Planning Video Production Brief

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Position: [Your Position]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Project Overview

  • Title: [Project Title]

  • Client: [Client Name]

  • Purpose: The video aims to narrate the transformative journey of [Client Name], showcasing its evolution, achievements, and impact within the industry.

  • Target Audience: Industry professionals, potential clients, stakeholders, and employees.

Project Scope:

  • Key Deliverables: - 5-minute promotional video - 30-second teaser for social media - A series of short clips for promotional campaigns

  • Duration: The total video duration should not exceed 5 minutes; completion within a six-week timeframe.

  • Technical Requirements: Full HD resolution (1920x1080), MP4 format, color grading for a dynamic and visually appealing presentation.

Creative Concept:

  • Brief: The video will blend a compelling narrative with dynamic visuals, utilizing a mix of interviews, on-site footage, and motion graphics to emphasize key milestones and achievements.

  • Inspiration: Reference similar corporate videos with a focus on impactful visuals, engaging storytelling, and a cohesive brand narrative.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Team Members: -

    -[Your Name] - Project Manager

    -[Team Member 1] - Director

    -[Team Member 2] - Cinematographer

    - [Team Member 3] - Editor

    - [Team Member 4] - Sound Designer

  • Roles: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each team member are outlined in the attached document.


  • Milestones:

    - Script Approval (Week 1)

    - Shooting Complete (Week 3)

    - First Draft Edit (Week 4)

    - Client Review (Week 5)

  • Deadline: Project completion targeted for [Date].


  • Script: Currently in development with expected finalization by [Date].

  • Storyboard: Storyboard creation to commence immediately upon script approval.


  • Shoot Schedule: Shooting planned over three days at [Client Name] headquarters, capturing key locations and interviews with key personnel.

  • Equipment: High-quality cameras, lighting, and sound equipment have been arranged through [Supplier Name].


  • Editing: Post-production editing to commence immediately after the completion of the shoot, incorporating client feedback for multiple revisions.

  • Sound and Music: Selection of appropriate background music and sound design to enhance the overall viewing experience.

Review and Approval:

  • Internal Review: Weekly internal team reviews to ensure project alignment and identify any potential challenges.

  • Client Review: Two rounds of client reviews are scheduled during the post-production phase, with a focus on feedback incorporation.

Communication Plan:

  • Meetings: Weekly team meetings every Monday, and bi-weekly client update meetings every Wednesday.

  • Reporting: Regular status reports will be shared every Friday, detailing progress, challenges, and resolutions.


  • Total Budget: $20,000

  • Expenses:

- $5,000 allocated for shooting location

- $3,000 for equipment rental

- $2,000 for post-production software

- The remaining budget is distributed for team remuneration, subcontractors, and unforeseen expenses.

I appreciate your unwavering commitment to ensuring the success of this project. Should any queries arise or further clarification be required, please do not hesitate to reach out at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email]. Let's collaborate closely to bring this visionary project to fruition.

Brief Templates @