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Sales Proposal Preparation Survey

Sales Proposal Preparation Survey

This Sales Proposal Preparation Survey is designed to collect valuable insights from our team members involved in the proposal development process. Your responses will help us identify areas for improvement, streamline our workflow, and ensure that our proposals meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness. Please complete this survey as honestly and thoroughly as possible.

Question/ Information

Answer Options

Your Response

Proposal Title:

Was sufficient time available for preparation?



Were all necessary materials easily accessible?


Was the proposal aligned with the client’s needs?


Rate the clarity of proposal guidelines

1-5 (1 being the lowest, 5 the highest)

Was inter-departmental collaboration effective?


Were all proposal objectives clear?


Were there any tech issues?


Was the proposal delivered on time?


Rate the overall quality of the proposal

1-5 (1 being the lowest, 5 the highest)


Please fill in the table above with the relevant information where applicable. Do not leave any blank fields. If certain information is not applicable, kindly write "N/A" in the space provided. When filling open-ended questions, please provide detailed and honest responses. This will significantly assist in the process improvement.

Prepared By:

[Your Name]

[Your Department]

[Your Company Email]

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