Market Research Brief

Comprehensive Market Research Brief

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Executive Summary:

The market research conducted on the cosmetics industry reveals a growing trend toward natural and organic products among consumers. Recommendations include expanding the product line to include more organic options and enhancing marketing efforts to target environmentally conscious consumers.


The purpose of this market research is to analyze the current trends and dynamics within the fast-food industry in urban areas. By examining consumer preferences and competitor strategies, we aim to identify opportunities for growth and innovation.

Market Overview:

The urban fast-food market is estimated to be worth $100 billion globally, with a projected annual growth rate of 5%. Major players include McDonald's, Burger King, and KFC, but smaller chains and independent restaurants also compete for market share.

Consumer Insights:

Millennials and Gen Z consumers show a preference for healthier fast-food options, including plant-based alternatives and customizable menus. Convenience and affordability remain key factors influencing purchase decisions.

Product/Service Analysis:

Our analysis indicates that our current menu lacks diversity and does not cater sufficiently to health-conscious consumers. Customer feedback suggests a desire for more vegetarian and vegan options as well as smaller portion sizes.

Competitive Analysis:

Competitors such as Subway and Chipotle have successfully capitalized on the demand for customizable, healthier food options. Their emphasis on fresh ingredients and transparent sourcing has resonated with consumers and posed a threat to traditional fast-food chains.

SWOT Analysis:

This SWOT analysis table provides a structured assessment of the company's internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. It helps identify strategic areas for improvement and growth in the fast-food industry.

SWOT Analysis





Internal Factors

Strong brand recognition

Limited menu variety

Expansion into delivery market

Intense competition from healthier alternatives

Loyal customer base

Lack of innovation

Partnerships with local suppliers

Changing consumer preferences

External Factors

Growing market demand for fast food

Reliance on traditional marketing channels

Introduction of new technology

Economic downturns

Established presence in key locations

High employee turnover

Diversification of menu offerings

Negative publicity


Expand the menu to include more vegetarian and vegan options. Launch a marketing campaign highlighting the freshness and quality of ingredients. Partner with food delivery platforms to reach a wider audience.


In conclusion, the market research highlights the need for our fast-food chain to adapt to changing consumer preferences and market trends. By implementing the recommended strategies, we can position ourselves for continued growth and success in the competitive urban market.


  • Survey results detailing consumer preferences.

  • Data tables showing the market share of key competitors.

  • Additional analysis of emerging trends in the fast-food industry.

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