Free Sales Onboarding SLA Template



Free Sales Onboarding SLA Template

Sales Onboarding SLA

This Sales Onboarding Service Level Agreement (SLA) is entered into on [Month, Day, Year], collectively by and between The Company, identified herein as [Your Company Name], responsible for overseeing the onboarding process, The Sales Onboarding Team, herein referred to as Sales Acceleration Department, serving as the facilitators of the onboarding program, and The New Sales Representative, recognized as [New Sales Representative Name], the recipient of the comprehensive onboarding program designed to ensure a seamless transition into their role as a sales representative.

I. Scope

This Sales Onboarding Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the expectations and responsibilities of The Company, The Sales Onboarding Team, and The New Sales Representative during the onboarding process.

II. Objective

The objective of this SLA is to ensure a smooth and efficient onboarding process for new sales representatives, enabling them to reach their sales targets and contribute to the company's success.

III. Service Standards

  • Onboarding Timeline: The Company commits to completing the onboarding process for The New Sales Representative within [Insert Number of Weeks] weeks from their hire date.

  • Training Materials: The Sales Onboarding Team will provide The New Sales Representative with all necessary training materials, including product knowledge, sales techniques, and company policies within the first week of onboarding.

  • Mentorship: The New Sales Representative will be assigned a mentor within the Sales Onboarding Team. The mentor will provide guidance and support for the duration of the onboarding period.

  • Regular Check-Ins: The Sales Onboarding Team will conduct regular check-in meetings with The New Sales Representative to assess their progress and address any concerns or questions.

  • Sales Target Introduction: The New Sales Representative will receive a clear understanding of their sales targets, quotas, and performance expectations within the first week of onboarding.

  • Feedback and Improvement: The Sales Onboarding Team will provide constructive feedback to The New Sales Representative and assist them in developing an improvement plan, if necessary.

IV. Responsibilities

The Company:

  • The Company will provide all necessary resources, tools, and training materials to support The New Sales Representative's onboarding process.

  • The Company will set clear sales targets and performance expectations for The New Sales Representative.

  • The Company will provide a safe and inclusive working environment.

The Sales Onboarding Team:

  • The Sales Onboarding Team will conduct an orientation session for The New Sales Representative on their first day.

  • The Sales Onboarding Team will assign a mentor to The New Sales Representative and provide ongoing support.

  • The Sales Onboarding Team will assess the progress of The New Sales Representative and offer guidance throughout the onboarding process.

The New Sales Representative:

  • The New Sales Representative will actively participate in all training sessions and complete assigned tasks on time.

  • The New Sales Representative will communicate any concerns, questions, or difficulties to their mentor or the Sales Onboarding Team.

  • The New Sales Representative will work diligently to achieve their sales targets and meet performance expectations.

V. Performance Metrics

  • Successful completion of the onboarding process within the agreed-upon timeline.

  • Achievement of sales targets as outlined by The Company.

  • Active participation and engagement by The New Sales Representative during training and mentoring sessions.

  • Effective communication between The New Sales Representative and the Sales Onboarding Team.

VI. Review and Amendments

This Service Level Agreement will be subjected to regular, scheduled assessments to guarantee its efficiency and overall effectiveness. Any changes, adjustments, or modifications to this agreement will be formally made in a written format, and will only be considered legitimate once mutual consensus has been reached between all the parties involved in this agreement.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Month, Day, Year]

[Sales Onboarding Team Name]

[Sales Onboarding Team Representative Title]

[Month, Day, Year]

[New Sales Representative Name]

[New Sales Representative Title]

[Month, Day, Year]

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