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Sales Onboarding Schedule for Salespersons

Sales Onboarding Schedule for Salespersons

This structured plan is designed to efficiently onboard new sales team members, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed for success. Follow the outlined activities and milestones to ensure a smooth transition into the sales role.

Week 1: Orientation And Company Culture

Day 1

Welcome To Acme Software

Introduction to company history, mission, and values. Meet and greet with the team.

Week 2: Product And Service Training

Day 4-5

Product Deep Dive

  • In-depth training on our software products.

  • Learn about key features and how they solve customer problems.

Week 3: Sales Process Training

Day 7-9

Sales Methodology

  • Learn our sales methodology, including prospecting, qualifying, and closing deals.

  • Practice handling objections and common customer questions.

Week 4: Customer And Market Understanding

Day 11-12

Customer Personas

  • Identify target customer personas and their pain points.

  • Role-playing exercises to understand customer perspectives.

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