Injury Emergency Report Slip

Injury Emergency Report Slip

Incident Details

Date & Time of Incident

Location of Incident

Reported By

[Month Day, Year]

Warehouse Section C

[Eric Smith]

Nature of Incident:

  • Slip/Trip/Fall

  • Machinery/Equipment Accident

  • Exposure to Hazardous Material

  • Struck by Object

  • Other:                               

Brief Description of Incident:

A steel beam dislodged from its storage position on the upper rack, striking [Nathan Banes] on the shoulder.

Victim Details

Name of Victim

Employee ID


Contact Number

[Nathan Banes]




Nature of Injury:

  • Bruising

  • Fracture

  • Laceration

  • Burn

  • Other:                               

Specific Area of Injury:

Right shoulder and upper arm

First Aid Measures

First Aid Provided

First Aider

Time Administered

Immobilization of Arm

[Luke Hyden]

10:50 AM

Medical Response

Ambulance Called

Hospital Notified

Estimated Time of Arrival


Local Hospital

11:10 AM

Report Prepared by: [Your Name]

Signature: ________________

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Supervisor's Signature: __________

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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