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Workplace Noise Level Survey

Workplace Noise Level Survey

Survey Conducted By:

[Your Name]


[Month Day, Year]

Instructions: Please rate the following statements based on your experience of noise levels in the workplace. Choose the option that best reflects your opinion.

  1. Overall, the noise level in my workplace is:

  • Extremely quiet

  • Quiet

  • Moderate

  • Noisy

  • Extremely noisy

  1. I find it easy to concentrate on my work due to the noise level:

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  1. The main sources of noise in my workplace are:

  • Conversations

  • Office equipment (printers, scanners, etc.)

  • Phone calls

  • Other (please specify):                               

  1. The noise in my workplace affects my productivity:

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Significantly

  • Extremely

  1. My colleagues are considerate of noise levels when working:

  • Always

  • Most of the time

  • Sometimes

  • Rarely

  • Never

  1. I have access to resources (e.g., quiet rooms, noise-canceling headphones) to help mitigate noise distractions:

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  1. I feel comfortable discussing noise-related issues with my supervisor or management:

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  • Additional Comments or Suggestions:

  1. Additional Comments or Suggestions:


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