Photoshoot Brief

Commercial Photoshoot Brief

Prepared By: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Project Overview:

[Your Company Name] is excited to embark on a commercial photography project in collaboration with [Photographer's Name]. This project focuses on showcasing the latest product line from [Brand/Product], a leading brand in cutting-edge electronic devices. The objective is to create a visually compelling narrative that highlights the innovative features, sleek design, and practical applications of these electronic devices.


  1. Showcasing the Product/Service:

    • Highlight the sleek design, emphasizing materials and textures.

    • Capture close-ups of key features such as touchscreens, ports, and buttons.

    • Contextualize the products in real-life scenarios, demonstrating their usability and versatility.

  2. Target Audience:

    • Targeting individuals aged 25-40, with a focus on professionals and early adopters in the urban setting.

    • Visuals should convey the seamless integration of [Brand/Product] products into the daily lives of busy professionals.

  3. Brand Image:

    • Maintain a clean, minimalistic aesthetic with a touch of sophistication.

    • Convey a sense of innovation through dynamic compositions and angles.

    • Ensure consistency with the brand's previous visual identity, including the use of the signature blue color.

Creative Direction

  1. Mood Board:

    • Reference images that showcase modern tech products in high-end lifestyle settings.

    • Include examples of successful product launches and tech advertisements.

    • Pay attention to lighting techniques to highlight product details.

  2. Style Guide:

    • Preferred color tones: Neutral whites and grays with the brand's signature blue as an accent.

    • Clean, sharp contrasts enhance the sleekness of the products.

    • Emphasize the professional and polished nature of the brand.

  3. Storyboard/Shot List:

    • Detailed shot list including individual product shots, lifestyle shots in office and outdoor environments, and action shots demonstrating product use.

    • Variations for each shot, considering different angles, focal lengths, and compositions.

    • Include shots that can be used for different marketing materials such as website banners, social media posts, and print materials.


  1. Equipment and Props:

    • High-resolution camera (minimum 24MP) with prime and zoom lenses suitable for product and lifestyle shots.

    • Studio lighting setup with softboxes and diffusers for controlled conditions.

    • Props: Office furniture and accessories, urban elements like cityscapes or public spaces (to be confirmed).

  2. Wardrobe and Styling:

    • Professional attire for models, aligning with the brand's corporate appeal.

    • Accessories such as watches or briefcases enhance the professional look.

    • Ensure the wardrobe complements the neutral color palette.

  3. Models and Talent:

    • Two models: one male and one female, aged 30-35, with a modern and approachable look.

    • Models should exude confidence, professionalism, and a tech-savvy demeanor.

    • Consider diversity in ethnicity and appearance.

Technical Requirements

  1. Resolution and Format:

    • High-resolution images (minimum 6000x4000 pixels) in JPEG format.

    • RAW files for post-production flexibility and detailed editing.

  2. Editing Guidelines:

    • Retouching for product perfection, ensuring flawless surfaces and details.

    • Color correction to maintain a consistent look across all images.

    • Maintain a natural look while enhancing overall visual appeal.


  • Pre-production: [Date] (including finalizing creative direction, shot list, and securing props/models)

  • Photoshoot: [Date] (allowing for any unforeseen circumstances)

  • Post-production: [Date] (including initial edits and revisions)

  • Feedback and revisions: [Date]


  • Agreed budget: $10,000, including photographer's fee ($6,000), equipment rental, props, models, and any additional expenses.

  • Payment terms: 50% upfront [Date], 50% upon delivery of final images [Date].


In conclusion, we are confident that the collaborative effort between [Your Company Name] and [Photographer's Name] will yield a collection of captivating images that not only showcase the technological prowess of [Brand/Product] but also resonate with our discerning audience. The detailed project overview, encompassing the objectives, creative direction, logistics, technical requirements, and timeline, sets the foundation for a successful photoshoot.

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