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Sales Deal Evaluation Form

Sales Deal Evaluation Form

Please complete the following form with as much detail as possible regarding the sales deal you are submitting for evaluation. This form helps us to better understand the potential opportunities and challenges associated with the deal. Provide thorough responses to ensure a comprehensive review. Once completed, submit this form to the Sales Department for further assessment.

Deal Information

Client Company Name:


Sales Deal Description:

Sales Representative:

Deal Value:

Expected Close Date:

  • Initial Contact

  • Negotiation

  • Final Review

Deal Stage:

Evaluation Criteria

Rate the entire transaction based on following aspects using the scale provided on below:



Customer Fit

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Very Good

  • Excellent

Deal Size

  • Very Small

  • Small

  • Moderate

  • Significant

  • Large

Profit Margin

  • Very Low

  • Low

  • Moderate

  • High

  • Very High

Sales Cycle Length

  • Very Long

  • Long

  • Average

  • Short

  • Very Short

Competitive Landscape

  • Highly Competitive

  • Competitive

  • Neutral

  • Limited Competition

  • No Competition

Deal Assessment


Provide Information

Strengths of Our Offer

(Key strengths and competitive advantages.)

Potential Obstacles

(Potential obstacles or concerns.)

Strategic Importance

(Deal's importance to [Your Company Name].)

Required Support

(List of Additional support/resources needed.)

Additional Comments/Suggestions:


This structured evaluation process helps align potential sales deals with [Your Company Name]'s strategic goals and capabilities. Thank you for your submission.

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