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Sales Closing Techniques Survey

Sales Closing Techniques Survey

Instructions: Please complete this survey to help us improve our sales process and ensure we meet your needs effectively. Your feedback is valuable and will be kept confidential.

Date of Survey

Your Role

  • Decision Maker

  • Influencer

  • End User

1. How satisfied were you with the overall sales process?

  • Very Satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Dissatisfied

  • Very Dissatisfied

  1. Which closing technique did our sales representative use? (You may select more than one)

  • Summary Close

  • Assumptive Close

  • Incentive Close

  • Urgency Close

  • Consultative Close

  • Other:                               

  1. How effective did you find this closing technique?

  • Very Effective

  • Effective

  • Neutral

  • Ineffective

  • Very Ineffective

  1. Did you feel pressured at any point during the closing process?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please elaborate:                               

  1. How well did our sales representative address your concerns and questions?

  • Very Well

  • Well

  • Neutral

  • Poorly

  • Very Poorly

  1. What did you appreciate most about the sales process?

  1. What aspects of the sales process could be improved?

  1. Would you recommend our services/products to others based on your sales experience?

  • Definitely

  • Probably

  • Not Sure

  • Probably Not

  • Definitely Not

Additional Comments

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is crucial for us to refine our sales techniques and better serve you and future clients.

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