School Advertising Creative Brief

School Advertising Creative Brief

Prepared For: Oak Ridge Academy

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]


Project Overview

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] is thrilled to partner with Oak Ridge Academy on an engaging advertising campaign. This creative brief succinctly outlines the campaign's key elements and objectives, providing a foundation for our creative venture.

Client Information:

Client Name: Oak Ridge Academy

Contact Person: Ms. Emily Thompson

Contact Information: [email protected]

Situation Analysis

This section presents an analysis of the current situation, including SWOT analysis data, to give context to the advertising campaign. It may also pinpoint any opportunities or threats which are particularly relevant to this campaign.





High Academic Performance:

Oak Ridge Academy boasts a track record of consistently high academic achievements, providing a solid foundation for promoting academic excellence in our campaign.

Lack of Brand Awareness:

Despite the school's academic prowess, there is a noticeable gap in brand recognition. Our campaign will address this weakness by strategically enhancing the visibility and understanding of Oak Ridge Academy

Growing Local Population:

With a burgeoning local population, there is a significant opportunity to tap into the increasing number of families seeking quality education. Our campaign will leverage this demographic shift to attract prospective students.

Rising Competition from Other Schools: The educational landscape is becoming more competitive, with other schools vying for the attention of potential students. Our campaign will proactively address this threat by highlighting Oak Ridge Academy's unique strengths and offerings.

Advertising Objectives

Our advertising campaign for Oak Ridge Academy is defined by SMART objectives, ensuring they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Boost School Brand Awareness by at least 50% in the Next Six Months:

  • Specific: Increase Oak Ridge Academy's brand recognition through targeted advertising efforts.

  • Measurable: Achieve a 50% increase in brand awareness as measured by pre-c and post-campaign surveys.

  • Attainable: Use a combination of digital and traditional advertising strategies to reach a wide audience.

  • Relevant: Enhancing brand awareness aligns with the overall goal of attracting prospective students and fostering community engagement.

  • Time-Bound: Target to accomplish this objective within the next six months.

Increase Visitation to the School’s Website by 30% in the Next Quarter:

  • Specific: Drive traffic to Oak Ridge Academy's website through compelling advertising content and calls to action.

  • Measurable: Achieve a 30% increase in website visits based on analytics data.

  • Attainable: Implement targeted online advertising and SEO strategies to attract and redirect online traffic.

  • Relevant: A higher website visitation rate correlates with increased awareness and interest in the school.

  • Time-Bound: Aim to accomplish this objective within the next quarter.

Enhance Social Media Follower ship by 25% Across All Platforms by the End of the Campaign:

  • Specific: Increase the number of followers on Oak Ridge Academy's social media platforms to expand the reach of our messaging.

  • Measurable: Attain a 25% growth in social media followership by monitoring platform analytics.

  • Attainable: Implement engaging content and targeted social media advertising to attract and retain followers.

  • Relevant: Growing social media presence contributes to increased brand visibility and community engagement.

  • Time-Bound: Target to accomplish this objective by the end of the advertising campaign.

Achieve a 10% Rise in School Registration for the 2051/52 Academic Year:

  • Specific: Increase student registration for the upcoming academic year to support the growth objectives of Oak Ridge Academy.

  • Measurable: Attain a 10% growth in registration numbers compared to the previous academic year.

  • Attainable: Combine targeted advertising efforts with registration-focused initiatives and events.

  • Relevant: The ultimate goal is to translate increased awareness and interest into tangible registration figures.

  • Time-Bound: Aim to accomplish this objective by the start of the 2051/52 academic year.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy for Oak Ridge Academy is strategically designed to achieve the advertising objectives by focusing on precise targeting, compelling positioning, and a diversified media mix.


We will employ a laser-focused approach, utilizing digital advertising channels to reach parents residing within a 15-mile radius of Oak Ridge Academy. This geographically targeted strategy ensures that our messaging reaches the most relevant audience – families within the local community who are potential candidates for registration.


Our campaign will prominently position Oak Ridge Academy as a beacon for creativity, diversity, and academic excellence. By showcasing these core values, we aim to differentiate the school from competitors and resonate with the aspirations of parents seeking a well-rounded educational experience for their children.

  • Creativity: Highlight innovative teaching methods, extracurricular programs, and artistic ventures.

  • Diversity: Highlight the inclusive and diverse community within Oak Ridge Academy.

  • Academic Excellence: Showcase the school's track record of high academic performance and quality teaching.

Media Mix:

To boost reach and engagement, our media mix will encompass a variety of platforms tailored to our target audience.

  1. Social Media Adverts:

    • Leverage platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to showcase visually appealing content and engage with our audience directly.

    • Utilize targeted advertising to reach parents and caregivers within the specified radius.

  2. SEO Optimization of the School’s Website:

    • Amplify the school's website for search engines to ensure it ranks prominently for relevant local searches.

    • Implement targeted keywords and content to enhance visibility among potential students and parents.

  3. Email Newsletters:

    • Develop and distribute regular email newsletters to keep current and potential parents informed about school events, achievements, and offerings.

    • Encourage newsletter sign-ups through various touchpoints.

  4. Local Radio Ads:

    • Collaborate with local radio stations to air engaging advertisements that communicate Oak Ridge Academy's key messages.

    • Leverage the radio's wide reach to connect with the local community.

  5. Direct Mail:

    • Send targeted direct mail pieces to households within the 15-mile radius, featuring visually appealing content and key information about Oak Ridge Academy.

    • Individual mailers to capture attention and create a tangible connection with potential families.

Implementation and Control

This section outlines the deployment and oversight of the advertising plan for Oak Ridge Academy, including key milestones, selected platforms, and performance indicators.


  • Campaign Launching (Month 1): Activate all advertising channels, including Google Adwords, Facebook, and Instagram. Begin monitoring and inspecting initial performance metrics.

  • Mid-campaign Review (Month 3): Evaluate the campaign's progress, identifying strengths and areas for optimization. Make necessary adjustments to enhance effectiveness.

  • Final Evaluation (Month 6): Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the entire campaign. Measure the achievement of objectives and gather insights for future planning.


  1. Google AdWords for Pay-Per-Click Advertising:

    • Employ Google AdWords to run targeted pay-per-click campaigns.

    • Regularly adjust keywords and ad content for optimal performance.

  2. Facebook and Instagram for Social Media Advertising:

    • Develop visually appealing and engaging content for both Facebook and Instagram.

    • Look to targeted advertising to reach parents within a 15-mile radius.

  3. Google Analytics for Website Traffic Monitoring:

    • Implement Google Analytics to track website traffic and user etiquette.

    • Inquire into data regularly to gauge the effectiveness of the digital advertising efforts.

Key Performance Indicators:

  1. Web Traffic:

    • Monitor the overall increase in website traffic, with a focus on the targeted 30% growth within the first quarter.

  2. Click-Through Rate (CTR):

    • Assess the CTR of online advertisements, aiming for a competitive rate that reflects audience engagement.

  3. Conversion Rate:

    • Track the conversion rate on the school's website, focusing on the percentage of visitors taking desired actions, such as filling out inquiry forms.

  4. Social Media Engagement:

    • Measure the growth in social media followership and engagement across platforms, aiming for a 25% increase by the end of the campaign.

  5. Rate of Enquiry:

    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign in generating inquiries from prospective parents and students.

  6. Registration Numbers:

    • Assess the final registration numbers for the 2051/52 academic year, aiming for a 10% increase compared to the previous year.

Monitoring Process:

  • Regularly examine data from Google Analytics, social media analytics, and advertising platforms to ensure ongoing enhancement.

  • Conduct bi-weekly team meetings to review progress and address any challenges.

  • Prepare detailed reports for the mid-campaign and final evaluations, providing insights and recommendations for future campaigns.

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