Free Health & Safety Training Policy Template



Free Health & Safety Training Policy Template

Health & Safety Training Policy

Prepared by

[Your Name]



A. Purpose

The purpose of this Health & Safety Training Policy is to ensure that all employees are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their work safely and efficiently and to minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, and health hazards in the workplace.

B. Scope

This policy applies to all company employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract workers.


  • Management: Responsible for ensuring the implementation and regular updating of this policy. Also responsible for providing necessary resources for training.

  • Health & Safety Officer/Committee: Responsible for developing, coordinating, and implementing the training programs.

  • Employees: Required to participate in all relevant health and safety training sessions.

C. Training Program

  • Orientation Training: All new employees will undergo health and safety orientation training during their onboarding process.

  • Regular Training: Regular training sessions will be conducted annually to cover various health and safety topics relevant to the workplace.

  • Specialized Training: For employees working in high-risk areas or with specialized equipment, additional training will be provided specific to their role.

  1. Training Topics

Topics may include but are not limited to, workplace safety, emergency procedures, use of personal protective equipment, ergonomics, first aid, fire safety, and hazard communication.

  1. Training Methods

Training will be conducted through lectures, interactive workshops, practical demonstrations, and online modules.

  1. Record Keeping

Records of all health and safety training sessions, including attendance and content covered, will be maintained by the Health & Safety Officer/Committee.

  1. Evaluation and Review

The effectiveness of training programs will be regularly evaluated through assessments, feedback, and workplace safety performance. The policy and training programs will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed.

  1. Non-Compliance

Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

  1. Communication

This policy will be communicated to all employees and will be readily accessible. Employees are encouraged to provide feedback to improve the effectiveness of the training.

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