Influencer Marketing Brief

Influencer Marketing Brief

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


I. Campaign Overview

We are excited to launch our upcoming campaign aimed at promoting our new line of eco-friendly skincare products. The primary objective of this campaign is to raise awareness about our sustainable skincare solutions and drive engagement among environmentally-conscious consumers. Our goal is to position our brand as a leader in eco-friendly beauty and encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices in their skincare routines.

II. Campaign Details

  1. Duration: March 15, 2050, to April 15, 2050

  2. Deliverables:

    • Instagram post featuring our product and its eco-friendly features (at least one static post)

    • An Instagram story showcasing the product in use (at least one story)

    • Optional: YouTube video review of the product (not mandatory but highly encouraged)

  3. Platforms: Instagram and optional YouTube

  4. Key Messaging: Highlight the eco-friendly aspects of the product, emphasize its effectiveness, and encourage followers to make sustainable choices.

III. Brand Guidelines

  1. Brand Voice: Authentic, informative, and environmentally-conscious

  2. Visual Guidelines: Utilize earthy tones, natural imagery, and our brand logo (provided)

  3. Do's: Be transparent, engage authentically with your audience, and showcase genuine enthusiasm for our products.

  4. Don'ts: Avoid making false claims, steer clear of controversial topics, and refrain from using offensive language or imagery.

IV. Audience Insights

Our target audience consists of environmentally-conscious individuals aged 25-40, predominantly female, who prioritize sustainable living and ethical consumerism. They are active on social media platforms, particularly Instagram, and seek out brands that align with their values of environmental responsibility.

V. Content Requirements

  1. High-quality images and videos showcasing the product in natural settings.

  2. Authentic reviews highlight the product's effectiveness and eco-friendly features.

  3. Captions should be informative, and engaging, and include the campaign hashtag #GreenGlow.

VI. Posting Schedule

Instagram: One static post per week and at least three story updates throughout the campaign period.

YouTube (optional): Video review to be posted within two weeks of receiving the product.

VII. Compensation and Incentives

  • A flat fee of $X for Instagram content (inclusive of all posts and stories)

  • Additional $X for YouTube video review (if opted for)

  • Complimentary full-size product for each influencer

VIII. Legal and Disclosure Requirements

Following FTC guidelines, influencers must disclose their partnership with our brand. All content must adhere to advertising regulations and maintain truthfulness. Failure to disclose the partnership may result in termination of the agreement. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring transparency with your audience. Please reach out for any clarification on disclosure requirements.

IX. Contact Information

For any questions or assistance, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Company Email] or [Your Company Number].

X. Approval Process

Content submissions will be reviewed within 48 hours of receipt. Upon approval, influencers are free to post according to the agreed-upon schedule. Any necessary revisions will be communicated promptly to ensure timely posting.

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