Sales Resolution of Negotiation Impasse
Resolution Number: 2050-001
Date of Adoption: January 1, 2050
WHEREAS, the Sales Department has noted a rising number of negotiation impasses with potential clients, adversely affecting the company's revenue and growth;
WHEREAS, the trend of failed negotiations has led to a declining number of successful deal closures;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that [Your Company Name] will adopt strategies and protocols aimed at minimizing negotiation impasses and increasing the rate of successful deals.
I. Data Overview
The following table illustrates the extent of the issue by showing the negotiation impasse data for the fiscal year 2049:
Quarter |
Total Negotiations |
Impasses Reached |
Percentage |
1st |
320 |
55 |
17.2% |
2nd |
280 |
48 |
17.1% |
3rd |
360 |
71 |
19.7% |
4th |
410 |
89 |
21.7% |
II. Objectives and Strategies
A. Objectives
Achieve a 15% reduction in negotiation impasses by the second quarter of 2050.
Attain a 10% increase in overall closed deals by the end of the fiscal year 2050.
B. Strategies
Training: Implement bi-monthly workshops focusing on advanced negotiation techniques.
Client Profiling: Develop an advanced client profiling system.
Multi-Stage Approvals: Establish a tiered approval process for high-stakes deals.
III. Action Items
Complete an internal audit of sales negotiation processes by the end of Q1 2050.
Roll out a training module focusing on sales negotiation by the beginning of Q2 2050.
Implement a client profiling system by Q2 2050.
IV. Evaluation
Success will be measured by:
A 15% reduction in negotiation impasse by the end of Q2 2050.
A 10% increase in overall closed deals by the end of fiscal year 2050.
VII. Approval
This resolution, having been thoroughly reviewed and discussed, is hereby adopted by the Executive Committee of [Your Company Name] and will take effect immediately upon approval.
[Your Name]
[Month Day, Year]
[Month Day, Year]
[Month Day, Year]