Free Injury Prevention Training Assessment Template

Injury Prevention Training Assessment


This Injury Prevention Training Assessment aims to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of our injury prevention training program at [Your Company Name]. By assessing various aspects, including participant feedback, safety incident reports, and workplace observations, we gain valuable insights into the impact of our training on employees' safety awareness and behavior.

Assessment Overview

Assessment Date: 



All employees who completed the injury prevention training.

Assessment Methodology:

Surveys, Observations, and Incident Reports.

Our assessment, conducted on [March 15, 2055], encompasses a diverse range of employees who have undergone our injury prevention training program. We employ a multifaceted approach, incorporating surveys, observations, and incident reports to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the program's effectiveness.

Training Program Details

1. Training Content

Our injury prevention training program is designed to equip employees with comprehensive knowledge and skills in workplace safety. It covers essential topics, such as proper equipment use, ergonomic principles, emergency response procedures, and hazard identification techniques.

2. Training Duration

Average Duration: [ 4 hours]

Frequency: [Quarterly]

The training program, with an average duration of [4 hours], is conducted [Quarterly] to ensure that employees receive regular updates and reinforcement of safety knowledge.

Participant Feedback

1. Pre-Training Survey

To gain a holistic perspective of employees' safety awareness before the training, we conducted a pre-training survey. The survey revealed that [35%] of participants had limited knowledge of safety procedures, highlighting the need for our training program.

Key Findings:

  • [35%] of participants had limited knowledge of safety procedures.

  • [65%] expressed concerns about workplace safety.

2. Post-Training Survey

Following the completion of the training program, we conducted a post-training survey to assess participants' understanding and satisfaction. The results were highly encouraging, with [95%] of participants reporting improved knowledge of safety procedures and [85%] feeling more confident in addressing safety concerns.

Key Findings:

  • [95%] of participants reported improved knowledge of safety procedures.

  • [85%] felt more confident in handling workplace safety issues.

Safety Incidents

1. Incident Reports

Our analysis of incident reports, both pre and post-training, revealed significant improvements in workplace safety. There was a notable [20%] reduction in the number of workplace injuries post-training, indicating the positive impact of our program.

Key Findings:

  • A [20%] reduction in the number of workplace injuries post-training.


1. Workplace Observations

Conducting safety observations allowed us to directly assess employee behavior and compliance with safety guidelines. The findings indicated a substantial improvement in adherence to safety protocols post-training, with only 10% of observed employees failing to follow safety guidelines.

Key Findings:

  • Pre-training, [40%] of observed employees did not follow safety protocols.

  • Post-training, only [10%] of observed employees failed to follow safety protocols.


In light of our assessment findings, we propose several actionable recommendations to further enhance our injury prevention training program:

  1. Consider increasing the frequency of training sessions to reinforce safety knowledge and skills among employees.

  2. Implement periodic refresher courses to ensure long-term retention of safety information and adapt training to evolving workplace hazards.

  3. Develop targeted training modules for specific high-risk areas identified in incident reports to address potential safety vulnerabilities more effectively.


The Injury Prevention Training Assessment reveals that our training program has significantly improved workplace safety at [Your Company Name]. By continually refining our training approach and implementing the recommendations outlined in this assessment, we are committed to further reducing the risk of injuries and fostering a safer work environment for all employees.

For more information or inquiries, please contact:

[Your Name]

[Your Email]

[Your Company Number]

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