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Sales Evaluation of Onboarding Experience

Sales Evaluation of Onboarding Experience


Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your recent onboarding experience with [Your Company Name]. We value your input, which helps us continuously improve our onboarding processes and ensure a smoother transition for future employees.

1. Onboarding Process

1.1. Did you receive a clear and detailed onboarding schedule before your start date?

  • Yes

  • No

  • N/A

Comments (if applicable):


1.2. Were all necessary materials and resources provided to you during the onboarding process?

  • Yes

  • No

  • N/A

Comments (if applicable):


2. Training and Development

2.1. Did you find the training sessions informative and relevant to your role?

  • Yes

  • No

  • N/A

Comments (if applicable):


2.2. Were there any specific areas of training that you believe need improvement?

Comments (if applicable):


3. Mentorship and Support

3.1. Were you assigned a mentor or buddy during your onboarding?

  • Yes

  • No

  • N/A

Comments (if applicable):


3.2. Did you feel adequately supported by your mentor or colleagues during the onboarding process?

  • Yes

  • No

  • N/A

Comments (if applicable):


4. Technology and Tools

4.1. Were you provided with the necessary technology, software, and tools required for your role?

  • Yes

  • No

  • N/A

Comments (if applicable):


4.2. Were there any technical issues or challenges you encountered during the onboarding?

Comments (if applicable):


5. Overall Satisfaction

5.1. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied, how would you rate your overall onboarding experience?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

5.2. What aspects of the onboarding process did you find most valuable, and why?

Comments (if applicable):


5.3. What recommendations or suggestions do you have for improving the onboarding experience at [Your Company Name]?

Comments (if applicable):


Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Your insights are invaluable in helping us enhance our onboarding process and provide a better experience for our employees. If you have any additional comments or would like to discuss your feedback further, please contact our HR department at [Your Company Email]

[Your Company Name] - Empowering Success Through Onboarding Excellence

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