Substance Abuse Awareness Training Questionnaire

Substance Abuse Awareness Training Questionnaire

Prepared by

[Your Name]



Personal Information (Optional)

Name (Optional): [Your Name]

Department/Role: [Operations]

  1. What is substance abuse?

    • Excessive use of a substance

    • Occasional use of illegal drugs

    • Using prescription drugs as directed

    • None of the above

  2. Which of these is a common sign of substance abuse in the workplace?

    • Increased productivity

    • Consistent punctuality

    • Frequent absenteeism

    • Rare interaction with colleagues

Substance Effects and Risks

  1. How can substance abuse impact workplace safety?

    • No impact

    • Reduced concentration and reaction time

    • Improved focus

    • Increased physical strength

  2. Which of these is a potential consequence of substance abuse at work?

    • Better team dynamics

    • Increased risk of accidents

    • Enhanced job satisfaction

    • Lower healthcare costs

Company Policies and Procedures

  1. What should you do if you suspect a coworker of substance abuse?

    • Ignore it as it is a personal matter

    • Report to a supervisor or HR department

    • Confront the coworker directly

    • Spread the information to other colleagues

  2. What are the consequences of violating the company’s substance abuse policy?

    • No consequences

    • Verbal warning

    • Disciplinary action, up to and including termination

    • Mandatory promotion

Resources and Support

  1. Which of these resources does the company offer for substance abuse issues?

    • Employee Assistance Program

    • Financial bonuses

    • Extended lunch breaks

    • None of the above

  1. Do you feel informed about where to seek help for substance abuse issues?

    • Yes

    • No


  1. How effective do you find the current substance abuse training program?

    • Very effective

    • Somewhat effective

    • Not effective

    • I don’t know

  2. What improvements or additions would you suggest for the substance abuse training program?

Thank you for your cooperation.

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