Free Health & Safety Training Effectiveness Rubric Template



Free Health & Safety Training Effectiveness Rubric Template

Health & Safety Training Effectiveness Rubric

This rubric is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of Health & Safety training programs. Use this document to assess alignment with training objectives, knowledge and skill acquisition, participant engagement, behavioral changes post training, training delivery, and post-training support.

I. Training Objectives Alignment

Criteria for Alignment:

Does the training content directly support the health and safety goals of the organization? 

Does it address specific workplace risks and compliance requirements?

Measurement Scale:

5: Excellent alignment

4: Good alignment

3: Adequate alignment

2: Poor alignment

1: No alignment

II. Knowledge Acquisition

Criteria for Knowledge Gain:

Level of knowledge gained by participants in critical health and safety topics, as indicated by their understanding and recall of key concepts.

Measurement Scale:

5: >80% improvement in test scores

4: 60-79% improvement

3: 40-59% improvement

2: 20-39% improvement

1: <20% improvement

III. Skill Development

Criteria for Skill Enhancement:

The extent to which participants have developed practical, applicable skills for health and safety procedures in the workplace.

Measurement Scale:

5: Excellent demonstration of skills

4: Good skill application

3: Adequate skill application

2: Limited skill application

1: No skill application

IV. Participant Engagement and Feedback

Criteria for Engagement:

Level of active participation, interest, and interaction exhibited by participants during the training.

Feedback Assessment:

Analysis of participant feedback focusing on the training’s relevance, content delivery, and overall satisfaction.

Measurement Scale:

5: Highly engaged and positive feedback

4: Engaged with minor suggestions

3: Moderately engaged

2: Low engagement

1: Disengaged

V. Behavioral Change and Application

Criteria for Behavioral Change:

Observable changes in workplace practices and behaviors that indicate the application of the training.

Measurement Scale:

5: Significant positive behavioral change

4: Noticeable positive change

3: Some behavioral change

2: Minimal change

1: No change

VI Training Delivery and Facilitation

Criteria for Delivery:

Assessment of the training's delivery method, including structure, pacing, and use of teaching aids.

Measurement Scale:

5: Highly effective and engaging

4: Effective with minor issues

3: Adequately effective

2: Ineffective in parts

1: Completely ineffective

VII. Post-Training Support and Resources

Criteria for Support:

Evaluation of the availability and quality of post-training support and resources, such as follow-up materials, additional learning aids, and accessibility for questions or clarifications.

Measurement Scale:

5: Excellent support and resources

4: Good support

3: Adequate support

2: Limited support

1: No support

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[Your Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

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