Free Hazard Control Outline Template
Hazard Control Outline
I. Introduction
A.Purpose of the Hazard Control Plan
B. Scope and Applicability
II. Hazard Identification
A. Identifying Potential Hazards
B. Documentation of Hazards
III. Risk Assessment
A. Assessing Severity and Likelihood
B. Risk Matrix
C. Prioritization of Hazards
IV. Hazard Control Measures
A. Engineering Controls
Description of Engineering Controls
Installation and Maintenance Procedures
B. Administrative Controls
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Training and Education
C. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Selection and Use Guidelines
PPE Maintenance
D. Emergency Response
Emergency Action Plan
Evacuation Procedures
V. Monitoring and Inspection
A. Regular Inspections
B. Equipment Testing
C. Incident Reporting and Investigation
VI. Hazard Communication
A. Labeling Requirements
B. Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
C. Employee Training on Hazardous Materials
VII. Recordkeeping
A. Documentation of Hazard Assessments
B. Incident Reports
C. Training Records
VIII. Review and Revision
A. Periodic Review of Hazard Control Plan
B. Updates and Amendments
IX. Emergency Procedures
A. Immediate Response to Hazards
B. Contact Information for Emergency Services
X. Conclusion
A. Acknowledgment of Responsibilities
B. Contact Information for Reporting Concerns or Incidents
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