Advertising Campaign Brief

Innovative Cleaning Products Campaign

Prepared by: [Your Name]


The primary objective of this advertising campaign is to launch and promote our new line of innovative cleaning products, positioning them as the ultimate solution for modern households seeking convenience, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Target Audience

The target audience for this campaign includes busy professionals, families, and environmentally conscious individuals aged 25-55, residing in urban and suburban areas, who prioritize cleanliness and value products that are safe for their homes and the environment.

Key Message

The key message of this campaign is to showcase the superior cleaning power and eco-friendly attributes of our new cleaning products, emphasizing their ability to deliver outstanding results while reducing environmental impact.

Media Planning

Television & Channel

Select lifestyle and home improvement channels such as HGTV, TLC, and Food Network, as well as daytime talk shows with a focus on household management.

Time Slots

Morning and early afternoon slots to reach homemakers and working professionals during their daily routines.

Budget Allocation

Allocate 30% of the total budget for television advertisements.


Utilize Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to engage with our target audience and drive brand awareness.

Ad Formats

Utilize short video ads demonstrating the products in action, influencer partnerships showcasing real-life usage, and user-generated content highlighting customer testimonials.


Utilize advanced targeting options including demographics, interests in home improvement, and engagement with eco-friendly content.

Budget Allocation

Allocate 25% of the total budget for social media advertising.

Online Retail Partnerships

  • Platforms: Partner with leading online retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target to reach consumers actively searching for household cleaning solutions.

  • Promotions: Offer exclusive discounts and bundle deals to incentivize purchases and drive sales. Placement: Ensure prominent placement on product listings and utilize sponsored placements to increase visibility. Budget Allocation: Allocate 20% of the total budget for online retail partnerships.

Print Advertising

  • Publications: Advertise in lifestyle magazines such as Better Homes & Gardens, Real Simple, and Good Housekeeping, reaching readers interested in home management and wellness.

  • Ad Formats: Utilize full-page print ads featuring captivating visuals and persuasive copy highlighting the benefits of our cleaning products.

  • Distribution: Target subscribers and newsstands in key demographics and geographic regions. Budget Allocation: Allocate 15% of the total budget for print advertising.

Digital Advertising:

  • Websites: Partner with relevant websites and blogs focused on home organization, eco-friendly living, and parenting. Ad Formats: Utilize display ads featuring product images and benefits, native advertising blending seamlessly with editorial content, and sponsored articles providing cleaning tips and tricks.

  • Retargeting: Implement retargeting strategies to re-engage with website visitors and encourage product consideration. Budget Allocation: Allocate 10% of the total budget for digital advertising.

  • Timeline: The campaign will run from [start date] to [end date], with specific milestones and deliverables outlined below:

Campaign Launch


Mid-Campaign Review


Campaign Conclusion



The total budget allocated for this advertising campaign is $500,000, with detailed breakdowns provided for each media channel as mentioned above.

Creative Considerations

Ensure all creative assets reflect the brand's commitment to innovation, effectiveness, and sustainability. Maintain consistency in messaging across all channels, highlighting the unique selling points of our cleaning products. Implement compelling visuals and persuasive copy to capture audience attention and drive engagement.


This advertising campaign brief requires approval from the Marketing Director and Executive Management Team before proceeding with the creative development phase.

Please review and provide feedback by [deadline].

Thank you for your time and effort.

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

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