Free Resolution for Joint Sales Agreements Template



Free Resolution for Joint Sales Agreements Template

Resolution for Joint Sales Agreements


[Month, Day, Year]

Resolution Number:


WHEREAS, [Your Company Name] ("Company") has identified an opportunity to enhance its sales efforts and market presence by entering into Joint Sales Agreements with other businesses;

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors and Management have reviewed the proposed Joint Sales Agreements and determined them to be in the best interest of the Company;


The Company is authorized and empowered to enter into Joint Sales Agreements with the following businesses:

  1. [Business 1]

  2. [Business 2]

  3. [Business 3]

The terms and conditions of each Joint Sales Agreement shall be negotiated and finalized by the Company's executive team, in consultation with legal counsel, to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

The President or CEO of the Company, or their designated representative, is hereby authorized to execute and sign the Joint Sales Agreements on behalf of the Company.

The Company's executive team is directed to diligently monitor the performance and results of these Joint Sales Agreements and make necessary adjustments to ensure the success of the partnerships.

The Company's financial team is directed to allocate the necessary funds and resources to support the implementation and execution of the Joint Sales Agreements.

This resolution shall remain in effect until modified or revoked by a subsequent resolution of the Board of Directors.

RESOLVED this [Month, Day, Year].


[Sales Manager]

I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of [Your Company Name] on the date first above mentioned.

[Secretary of the Board]

This resolution is effective as of the date of adoption and shall remain in effect until modified or revoked by a subsequent resolution of the Board of Directors.

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