Free Stress Management Training Survey Template

Stress Management Training Survey

Dear Participant,

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our Stress Management Training Survey. Your feedback is important to us as we strive to provide the best stress management training in compliance with US health and safety standards. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey honestly and to the best of your knowledge.

Participant Information:

Full Name: [Your Name]

Email Address: [Your Company Email]

Date: [Month Day, Year]


Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1 to 5, where:

1 = Strongly Disagree

2 = Disagree

3 = Neutral

4 = Agree

5 = Strongly Agree

Stress Management Training Evaluation

1. The training materials were easy to understand and follow.

  • 1 Strongly Disagree

  • 2 Disagree

  • 3 Neutral

  • 4 Agree

  • 5 Strongly Agree

2. The trainer was knowledgeable and engaging.

  • 1 Strongly Disagree

  • 2 Disagree

  • 3 Neutral

  • 4 Agree

  • 5 Strongly Agree

3. The training content was relevant to my job and needs.

  • 1 Strongly Disagree

  • 2 Disagree

  • 3 Neutral

  • 4 Agree

  • 5 Strongly Agree

4. I learned effective stress management techniques during the training.

  • 1 Strongly Disagree

  • 2 Disagree

  • 3 Neutral

  • 4 Agree

  • 5 Strongly Agree

Overall Satisfaction

Overall, how satisfied are you with the Stress Management Training?

  • 1 Strongly Disagree

  • 2 Disagree

  • 3 Neutral

  • 4 Agree

  • 5 Strongly Agree

Additional Comments:

Please share any additional comments, suggestions, or feedback regarding the Stress Management Training

Thank you for your valuable input! Your feedback will help us improve our stress management training programs.

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