Free Teacher To Do List Template



Free Teacher To Do List Template

Teacher To Do List

This To-Do list is intended to assist in the daily preparation of effective and engaging lessons. It ensures a comprehensive approach to planning for optimal student engagement and learning.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Pre-Planning Tasks

  • Review curriculum standards for the day's lesson.

  • Identify learning objectives and desired outcomes.

  • Determine appropriate instructional strategies and resources.

Lesson Structure

  • Outline the flow of the lesson, including introduction, activities, and closure.

  • Sequence activities to optimize engagement and comprehension.

  • Allocate time for each segment of the lesson, ensuring pacing is appropriate.

Activity Development

  • Create engaging introductory activities to hook students' interest.

  • Design varied activities to address different learning styles and abilities.

  • Incorporate formative assessment strategies to gauge student understanding.

Material Preparation

  • Compile and organize all necessary materials and resources.

  • Review and adapt materials to suit the needs of the class.

  • Print or photocopy handouts, worksheets, and visual aids.

Assessment Planning

  • Determine assessment methods to measure student learning.

  • Create rubrics or scoring guides for assignments and activities.

  • Prepare formative assessment tools to monitor student progress during the lesson.


  • Always align activities with learning objectives.

  • Ensure technology and materials are tested prior to class.

  • Adapt plans as needed to cater to diverse learner needs and achieve optimal student engagement.

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