Influencer Marketing Strategy Advertising Brief

Influencer Marketing Strategy Advertising Brief

Prepared by [YOUR NAME]


I. Campaign Overview

An influencer marketing campaign to promote our new line of eco-friendly home products. This campaign aims to raise awareness about sustainability and encourage environmentally conscious consumer behavior. Through strategic influencer partnerships, we intend to position our brand as a leader in sustainable living solutions.

II. Background Information

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] has a long-standing commitment to environmental responsibility, reflected in our product offerings and manufacturing processes. This campaign represents a natural extension of our brand ethos, leveraging the power of influencers to amplify our message and reach a broader audience.

III. Goals and Objectives

  • Increase brand awareness among environmentally conscious consumers by 30% within six months.

  • Drive a 20% increase in website traffic and a 15% lift in online sales of eco-friendly products.

  • Foster authentic engagement and conversations around sustainability, generating at least 10,000 social media interactions.

IV. Target Audience

The target audience consists of environmentally conscious individuals aged 25-45, predominantly urban dwellers with disposable income. They prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions and actively seek out eco-friendly brands and products.

V. Key Messaging

  • Emphasize the importance of sustainable living.

  • Highlight the quality and effectiveness of our eco-friendly home products.

  • Encourage consumers to make small changes for a greener future.

VI. Creative Direction

The campaign should evoke feelings of inspiration, empowerment, and optimism. Visuals should showcase the beauty of sustainable living while conveying a sense of modernity and style. Messaging should be informative yet approachable, avoiding guilt or judgment.

VII. Influencer Criteria




Influencers must genuinely align with our brand values and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.


Preference will be given to influencers with high engagement rates and an active, loyal following.


Influencers should have an audience that closely matches our target demographic.

Content Quality

We prioritize influencers who produce high-quality, visually appealing content that resonates with their audience.

VIII. Timeline and Budget



Campaign Duration

Three months

Influencer Outreach and Negotiation

Month 1

Content Creation and Approval

Month 2

Campaign Execution and Promotion

Month 3



IX. Measurement and KPIs



Social Media Metrics

Track engagement rates, impressions, reach, and follower growth across all platforms.

Website Analytics

Monitor website traffic, conversion rates, and sales attributed to the campaign.

Surveys and Feedback

Gather qualitative feedback from consumers to gauge brand perception and campaign effectiveness.

X. Legal and Compliance

All influencers must disclose their partnership with our brand under FTC guidelines. Content will be reviewed for accuracy and compliance with advertising regulations. Necessary rights and permissions for user-generated content will be obtained. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for campaign success and promoting sustainable living responsibly.

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