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Hourly To Do List

Hourly To Do List

This to-do list aims to provide a comprehensive guide for a day full of work tasks, personal errands, self-care, family, and personal development. The goal is to maintain balance and manage time efficiently.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME] ,

Work Tasks:



8:00 AM

  • Check emails and prioritize tasks for the day.

9:00 AM

  • Work on project A for 2 hours.

11:00 AM

  • Attend team meeting.

1:00 PM

  • Review and respond to client inquiries.

Personal Errands:



3:00 PM

  • Grocery shopping.

4:00 PM

  • Pick up dry cleaning.

5:00 PM

  • Schedule appointment with the dentist.

6:00 PM

  • Drop off packages at the post office.

Self-Care and Wellness:



7:00 AM

  • Morning workout or yoga session.

6:00 PM

  • Prepare and enjoy a healthy dinner.

8:00 PM

  • Wind down with meditation or relaxation techniques.

9:00 PM

  • Skincare routine before bed.

Family and Social:



10:00 AM

  • Call parents to check-in.

2:00 PM

  • Attend child's school event.

7:00 PM

  • Family dinner or movie night.

8:00 PM

  • Catch up with friends over video call.

Personal Development:



10:00 AM

  • Read a chapter of a personal development book.

2:00 PM

  • Attend online workshop or webinar.

4:00 PM

  • Practice a new skill or hobby.

7:00 PM

  • Reflect on achievements and set goals for the next day.


  • Remember to set breaks in between tasks.

  • Tasks listed are not set in stone – feel free to move them around based on priority.

  • Maintain work-life balance by completing tasks from each section of the list daily.

To-do List Templates @