Nagoya Itinerary

Nagoya Itinerary


I'm [Your Name], and I've put together a captivating seven-day itinerary for your exploration of Nagoya, Japan. Discover the city's rich culture, traditions, and culinary delights. I've also included insights on Japanese customs, like using chopsticks, to enhance your experience. This guide aims to immerse you in the heart and soul of Nagoya, providing a taste of its vibrant heritage.





  • Arrival at Chubu Centrair International Airport.

  • Settling into Nagoya.

  • Settle into accommodation.

  • Initial exploration and acclimation to the city.

  • Visit Nagoya Castle, a historic icon of the city.

  • Immerse in the rich history of Nagoya Castle and its beautiful surroundings.


  • Navigate to Atsuta Shrine, a significant Shinto shrine.

  • Experience the spiritual ambiance of Atsuta Shrine and its sacred Sword of Kusanagi.

  • Explore Sakae, the city's shopping and entertainment hub.

  • Enjoy shopping, entertainment, and vibrant city life in Sakae.


  • Visit the Toyota Techno Museum to learn about the evolution of the automobile industry.

  • Gain insights into the history and innovation of the automotive world.

  • Explore Osu Shopping Street for food and shopping.

  • Discover local delights and unique finds in the bustling Osu Shopping Street.


  • Spend time at SCMAGLEV and Railway Park to learn about high-speed rail development.

  • Explore the fascinating world of high-speed rail and railway history.

  • Enjoy a riverside stroll in the evening.

  • Relax by the river and take in the scenic views of Nagoya.


  • Visit Nagoya City Science Museum with a giant globe planetarium.

  • Marvel at the wonders of science and the universe in the giant globe planetarium.

  • Explore Noritake Garden, a serene walk through pottery history.

  • Immerse yourself in the beauty of Noritake Garden and its historical pottery displays.


  • Hike in Gozaisho Mountain for a refreshing nature experience.

  • Enjoy a rejuvenating hike in the picturesque Gozaisho Mountain.

  • Relax at Yunoyama Onsen, a hot spring resort.

  • Unwind in the soothing waters of Yunoyama Onsen after the day's hike.


  • Conclude the journey with local eateries and shopping.

  • Explore Nagoya's culinary scene and indulge in local delicacies.

  • Soak in Nagoya's city atmosphere before departure.

  • Leisurely enjoy the last moments in Nagoya, savoring the city's unique ambiance.

Manners and Etiquette

Bow slightly when greeting.

Use polite language.

Follow the host's lead when removing shoes.

Keep conversations at a moderate volume.

Bow at cultural sites.

Respect nature and follow any guidelines.

Use polite language.

Bow and use polite language.

Follow customs at traditional sites.

Bow and use polite language.

Respect the quiet atmosphere.

Use both hands when giving or receiving.

Respect the customs of gift giving.

Be mindful of photography etiquette.

Use proper chopsticks etiquette.

Respect queues and wait patiently.

Follow customs for handling money.

I hope this itinerary adds an extra layer of excitement and insight to your upcoming journey in Nagoya. May your exploration be filled with unforgettable moments and a deep appreciation for the city's cultural tapestry. Safe travels and enjoy every aspect of your time in Nagoya!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Website]

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