Free Workplace Near Miss Report Template



Free Workplace Near Miss Report Template

Workplace Near Miss Report

Please complete all sections of this form.

Incident Information

Date and Time:

[Month Day, Year] / [Time]

Location of the Incident:

Description of the Near Miss:

Employee Information

Employee(s) Involved:


Job Title(s):


Supervisor’s Name:

Witness Information

Name of Witness(es):


Contact Information:

Witness Statement(s):

Immediate Actions Taken

The area was immediately cleared of the obstruction, and additional signage was put up to signal the pedestrian walkway more clearly. The forklift driver was reminded of the importance of maintaining clear lines of sight.

Investigation and Recommendations

Initial Assessment:

The primary cause was identified as inadequate signaling of pedestrian pathways in the warehouse.


Implement periodic checks to ensure pathways are clear and properly marked. Consider additional training for forklift operators on navigating busy areas.

Assigned Responsibility:

The warehouse supervisor is responsible for implementing these corrective actions.

Prepared by:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

[Month Day, Year]

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