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Workplace Incident Feedback Questionnaire


This questionnaire is designed by [Your Company Name] to gather feedback on workplace incidents to improve safety and work environment quality. Your honest and detailed responses are crucial for us to implement effective changes.

Personal Information

Full Name:   [Your Name]                                                          

Employee ID:                                                                                                           


Date of Incident:                                                                                                     

Time of Incident:                                                                                                     

Incident Details

Type of Incident (Select one):

  • Work Injury

  • Equipment Malfunction

  • Safety Hazard

  • Others (Please Specify): _____________________

Location of Incident:


Brief Description of the Incident:


Immediate Action Taken:


Did you require medical attention?

  • Yes

  • No

Time taken to respond:


Adequacy of first aid or medical support provided:

  • Sufficient

  • Insufficient

  • Not Applicable

Suggestions for Preventing Similar Incidents:


General Feedback

Overall, how safe do you feel in your workplace? (1-5):


Additional comments or suggestions:


Thank you for completing the Workplace Incident Feedback Questionnaire. Your feedback is vital for [Your Company Name] in ensuring a safer and more efficient work environment.

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