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Workplace Incident Investigation Rubric

Workplace Incident Investigation Rubric

Incident Details

Date and Time

[Month Day, Year, Time]


[Warehouse B, Section 4]

Brief Description

[Forklift overturned while maneuvering in a narrow aisle.]

Immediate Actions

First Aid/Medical Treatment

[First aid administered on-site; employee taken to hospital for further examination.]

Area Secured


1. Incident Classification

Type of Incident

  • Slip, Trip, Fall

  • Equipment Failure

  • Other (Specify)

Severity Level

  • Minor

  • Moderate

  • Severe

  • Catastrophic

2. Hazard Identification

Types of Hazards

  • Physical

  • Chemical

  • Biological

  • Ergonomic

Specific Hazards Identified

  • Narrow Aisles

  • Improperly Stacked Inventory

3. Cause Analysis

Immediate Causes

  • Human Error

  • Equipment Malfunction

Underlying Causes

  • Inadequate Training

  • Poor Maintenance

Contributing Factors

  • Environmental Conditions (Cluttered Aisles)

4. Witness Information

Witness Details

  • John Doe, Co-worker

  • Jane Smith, Supervisor

Interview Summaries

  • Both witnessed the forklift struggling to maneuver before tipping over.

5. Evidence Collection

Types of Evidence

  • Photographic (pictures of the scene)

  • Documents (Forklift maintenance log)

6. Risk Assessment

Likelihood of Recurrence

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Impact on Health and Safety

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

7. Corrective Actions

Short-term Measures

  • Reorganize inventory to widen aisles.

Long-term Solutions

  • Implement comprehensive forklift operation training.

8. Follow-Up Actions

Implementation of Recommendations

  • Completed

  • In Progress

Monitoring and Review

  • Monthly safety inspections scheduled.

9. Reporting and Documentation

Report Quality

  • Clarity

  • Completeness


  • All Steps Documented

10. Communication and Feedback

Communication with Parties

  • Employees

  • Management

Feedback Mechanisms

  • Established

  • Effective

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