Free Sales Client's Initial Evaluation Pre-Negotiation Template



Free Sales Client's Initial Evaluation Pre-Negotiation Template

Sales Client's Initial Evaluation Pre-Negotiation


Date: [DATE]

This serves as your guide in evaluating potential clients before entering into sales negotiations. It is designed to help identify their needs, possibilities, and areas for improvement.

The following evaluation considers several criteria, including client's financial health, buying power, potential profitability, compatibility, and commitment to assess their suitability for negotiations.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Financial Health: Gauges the client's financial stability and capacity to meet financial obligations.

  2. Buying Power: Assesses the client's ability to purchase our products or services at a profitable price point.

  3. Potential Profitability: Predicts the profit potential of doing business with the client.

  4. Compatibility: Evaluates if the client's business is aligned with the company's ethos, products or services, and market strategies.

  5. Commitment: Measures the client's interest level and commitment to a potential long-term business relationship.

Evaluation Form:



Rating (1-5)


Financial Health

Client's financial stability and capacity to meet financial obligations.


Client has a very good record of meeting financial obligations

Buying Power

Client's ability to purchase at a profitable price point.

Potential Profitability

Outcome profitability from doing business with the client.


The alignment of the client's business with the company's ethos, products, and market strategies.


Client's commitment to a potential long-term business relationship.

Note: The rating scale is from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating poor performance and 5 indicating excellent performance.

Additional Comments and Notes:



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